Chapter 5:In The Lair

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"Hello,Pitchy Black!Where are you hiding?Come out wherever you are,you little coward!"Jack yelled into the silent air.We were in Pitch's lair,trying to get Pitch to fight us once and for all.But even after 10 mins,which feels like an eternity,there was no Pitch!"Pitch!You better come out right now this instance!I can't stand Jack's yells at you.It feels like he has been yelling for hours!"Bunny complained.

"Actually,it is only like 10 mins Bunnymund."Tooth corrected him.Bunny rolled his eyes and glared at Jack.I looked around,holding on to my bow and my arrow in my mouth.Where is he?This was very very weird.Jack told me that Pitch always tried to destroy them."This is strange...Where is he?"North scratched his chin,confused with the situation.He could be anywhere for he is famous for hiding in shadows and in the dark.

Somebody tapped on my shoulders and I spun my head.It was Sandy.He was showing me some signs on his head that I couldn't understand.Sensing that I needed some help,North translated it for me,"Confused,huh?Let me help you!Sandy is saying 'Pitch is not here.'."

I rolled my eyes,"I know that,Sandy."

Out of the blue,a nightmare came flying past us!"A Nightmare!"Bunny screamed,taking his boomerang out.Everyone braced themselves for a fight with the Nightmare.

The Nightmare zoomed in between us and divided itself to two."What?"Jack mumbled.I aimed at the Nightmare and let go of the string of my bow.The arrow went flying and it struck into the Nightmare's body.The Nightmare screeched and dissipated.

However,there was one more!Jack and Bunny did a awesome combat move.Bunny threw his boomerang and Jack froze the Nightmare,causing the boomerang to destroy the Nightmare completely.

"Pitch?But he is not here,is he?"Tooth asked herself.We scanned our surroundings but saw nothing but cages and what was left in his lair."Come on,guys.There is nothing here but debris.Let's head back to my workshop."North said as we nodded our heads.He threw his portal and we got on the sleigh.

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