Chapter 20:It's Over

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Merida's POV

The both of us panted.

It's finally over.

No more pain,loss or suffering.Just peace.

I panted heavily,sweat flowing down my temples and arms.

Jack went over to me.A smile slowly spread across my face.Tears started welling in my eyes.A heavy stone was lifted off my heart.

We both starter cracking up and bursting into tears.I jumped onto Jack and our lips met,connecting with each other.At that moment,I wanted our ribcages to open and let our veins intertwine with one another,fusing us into one.I love him so much.

North hobbled towards us and the rest of the Guardians slowly trudged,bruises everywhere.Jamie came too.All of us hugged and smiled.Pitch was finally gone.The world of the children finally has its peace.

I looked over my shoulders and noticed Night looking up into the endless stars.

"I'm sorry,Night."

"It's okay.You did what you had to,"

I felt a sting in my heart.Why do I feel so guilty?I patted Night's back,"But you will continue his legacy,Night.Not in a bad way...We can work together.Everything doesn't have to be your father's way.Do what's right.We'll...we'll be waiting for you."

I turned to leave and suddenly,without any warning,Night hugged me.From a distance,I could hear Jack snarling but he decided to let it slip.

"I'll go."he muttered.

"Really?Even after what we..."

"Well,what could be so bad about you guys?We made a pretty bloody good team,I have to admit."

"True that,"Bunny said.

The whole family embraced and smiled.We got on to North's sleigh and was about to leave the fight scene.But then,I remembered something.

"Guys...where's Tooth?"I asked.

Silence.She wasn't there.

Immediately,I hopped off the sleigh and went to what was of Tooth.A frozen sculpture.I placed my hand on her wings,which was icy cold.She was frozen in fear.Literally.The face of agony and pain.

Jack walked to me and Tooth.His eyes fell on me.Filled with sadness."Sorry,Mer.From my deductions,it would take centuries till she is thawed,I mean.This is not the regular freezing we are seeing here.It's different.I am sorry..."

My hand touched the side of his face,smoothing it,"It''s okay.It's not your fault...It was inevitable either ways."

He smiled wryly and picked up 'Tooth' and brought her to the sleigh.

North swallowed his saliva and whipped the reindeers,"Now,let us go!We have job to do!"The reindeers clopped quickly and quick enough we were all up in the skies.

Of course we had to bring Jamie home before sunrise and get him his good night sleep that he missed.

The Guardians and the helpers of the workshop then started rebuilding the workshopNorth tried to redesign and include much more amazing elements into his lair and Bunny suggested rainbows and eggs,which we felt wasn't a great idea.

Night eventually became the new King Of Nightmares and Darkness.The deal was that he would stop giving nightmares to innocent kids.Instead,we used his powers to punish naughty little children who rebel.It was surprisingly effective and more kids became good.

And about me and Jack.We decided to live in a place far from people.A place where there was fire and ice.Sounds really impossible but somehow we managed to find it.

It was one hell of a ride.I would love to tell you but that would be another story.This is the end of the journey.The journey of how I met Jack and how I became the queen of his.

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