Abigail Ella Sykes (Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes)

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It's safe to say that things haven't been easy this past year.

There have been several times when me and Kimberly have nearly thrown everything away. Just like that. We've been willing to pretend like everything we did was for nothing.

But it did hurt. Finding out that she had lied to me the way that she did. Going behind my back and finding out who Scarlett's real dad actually was; it really did hurt me a lot. And I thought there was no coming back from that.

I thought that I would never feel happy again. Never get the chance to actually be a dad to my own child. Never be allowed the opportunity to spoil my own daughter with far too many clothes and toys for her own good.

I loved Scarlett and finding out that she wasn't my daughter was the worst day of my life. But finding out about Abigail also made it the best day of my life...


Kimberly walked out of the kitchen on her own. She didn't look happy, she looked pretty upset and annoyed about something. I just assumed that either Tom or Lewis must have seriously pissed her off or something like that.

She took a seat next to me. Placing her head on my shoulder, she began crying to herself about something. She didn't say anything, she just pulled herself closer to me and I wrapped my arm around her. Keeping her safe and letting her know that I wasn't going anywhere.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked her.

"You're going to hate me so much. I've been the worst girlfriend ever..." she replied.

"Why am I going to hate you?"

"Because I've done something stupid and I hate myself for it, so I know you're going to hate me as well!" she replied through her tears.

"Why don't you tell me and then I'll let you know if I hate you..."

"I know you're going to hate me and you're never going to forgive me for what I've done. But I just want you to know that I love you Nath..."

"Kels, can you take Scarlett upstairs for me please?" I asked Kelsey and she happily accepted, picking Scarlett up from her buggy and walking out of the room. I turned my attention back to Kimberly and waited to see if she would tell me now that there was no one else in the room.

"I really am sorry Nathan!" she practically whispered.

"For what?"


"What about her?" I asked curiously.

"She's not your daughter..." Kimberly managed to choke out through her tears.

I could tell how much this had effected Kimberly and how bad she felt about this. But I didn't know what to say. For her to be able to know that, it meant that she must have done a DNA test behind my back.

Her and Jay had gone out of their way to find the truth and they didn't seem to care about how this would impact upon me. I just wasn't important in their plans. It was all about them two and making sure they were happy. Making sure they got what they wanted. Making sure that they knew the truth while I was left in the dark.

"You went behind my back?"

"I'm really sorry, but I had no choice..."

"Of course you had a choice. You made the wrong one!" I snapped at her.

"I didn't have a choice. Jay made me feel so guilty about the whole thing and I felt like it was the only way to solve the problem..."

"Problem? Problem? There was no problem until you did this!" I shouted causing Lewis and Tom to come out of the kitchen so they could find out what was going on. The perfect time for them to be the protective older brothers that they loved being.

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now