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It has been ten years since everything happen. And everything is still pretty much how we left it. Apart from two small things.

Four years ago, Nathan and Kimberly got married. They managed to keep it a secret from everyone that they didn't want to know about it and they only invited people that they wanted to be there. Obviously you had family and friends. But it was only close friends and no more than that because Nathan wanted everything to be perfect and he didn't want a massive wedding.

Lewis walked Kimberly down the isle and he couldnt have been more proud. He even shed a tear or two when they reached the bottom. Jay was best man with Kelsey, Nareesha, Abigail and Scarlett as bridesmaids.

It couldn't have gone better.

Six months after the wedding there was specualtions that they might be engaged after people had spotted a ring on Kimberly's finger. But nothing was ever confirmed.

People only found out the truth eight months after it happened. Nathan tweeted a picture of him and Kimberly at the reception and then another picture of them together in Barbados; which is where they went for their honeymoon. Everyone was shocked that they kept it a secret for so long, but they were also happy that things were finally starting to look up for the pair of them.

And the other thing which has changed is that Kimberly and Nathan had another baby. Their son is now three years old and resembles Nathan is every single way. From the way that he looks to the way that he acts when he's at home; he's like a clone of him.

The love which they hold for him is special. Much more special than it is for Abigail; but they don't love her any less. The reason he is so special is because Kimberly was told she wouldn't be able to have another baby. She was absolutely devastated by that news, so when she found out that she was pregnant again, her and Nathan were both over the moon. But they also worried that they might loss their son because of how dangerous it was for him.

But he's a healthy little boy and he loves life. They decided to call him Connor James Sykes and he will always hold an extra special place in Kimberly and Nathan's hearts.

However, there is still the matter of what happened with Tom.

Kimberly talks to Tom more than she used to, but she still hasn't forgiven him and still doesn't trust him either. He pretty much destroyed their relationship and has spent the last ten years trying to rebuild it. He hasn't had much success though.

The biggest thing though is that Kimberly banned Tom from seeing Abigail and Scarlett without having her permission first.

But she doesn't ever let him. She doesn't want him anywhere near her daughters.

No matter how many times he asks her; the answer is always no because she just can't find it in her heart to forgive him for what he tried doing to her and Nathan. To this day, she still doesn't understand why Tom acted the way that he did. And why he tried to tear apart a family.

He was just jealous and there was nothing else to it really.

He wanted to make Nathan feel the way that he had been made to feel. And he didn't really care who got hurt in the process. But he is paying for it now. He has been left with pretty much no one and has pretty much nothing.

Apart from Kelsey. She is the only person who really stuck by him through everything that happened. And she is the only one who really saw it from Tom's perspective.

But it should never have happened and it was that simple.

If Tom had just been happy for Kimberly then he would still have her and his youngest niece in his life. But that's the past and this is the present. There is no changing what happened and there is no going back. Tom just has to live with the choice that he made and he can't really complain.

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now