Part 4 - America Bound!

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This month seems to have gone so fast. I can't believe we're off to America already. It feels like it was only yesterday that I told Kimberly that I was going.

But I'm not going to complain. I have been looking forward to this since we found out about it. Sure, I'm sad that I've gotta leave Kimberly and the kids here for two months. But we were going to tour America and that is some exciting stuff.

I'm excited to just be spending some time with the boys since I haven't seen them in so long. Spending time with them is going to be fun and I have waited so long for this to happen that I'm not going to throw it away.

"Are you all packed then?" Kimberly asked me with a smile.

"I think that I am, but I'll probably have forgotten something knowing me..." I laughed.

"I'm sure America will sell whatever you forget!" she chuckled back at me in reply. She thought that she was a fuuny one, but she wasn't that funny. I was usually laughing at her rather than with her. Mean I know but she would never know.

"Where are the girls then?"

"Abi is asleep in our bedroom and Scarlett is playing in the living room. Do you want me to get her?" she smiled at me. Since we'd had our little chat, she seemed to be bonding with Scarlett much better than before. She was actually spending time with her, picking her up when she was crying and buying her small things each time she went out somewhere.

She was back to acting like a proper mum to both Abigail and Scarlett. Which is how it should be.

"Go on then, I'm just going to put my bags in the van..." I smiled.

"Ask Tom to come in for me when you go out there..." she shouted back at me as she walked off into the living room.

I picked up my suitcase from by the door and walked out to the van. I was met by Tom and Jay, being the only two people in the van at the minute. I'm guessing that Max and Siva were the next to be picked up.

"You alright mate?" Tom smiled at me.

"Yeah I'm good thanks..." I replied.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah, I just need to say bye to the girls and then to Kimberly!" I smiled.

"Okay then, well just come out when you're ready!" Tom said as he went to get back into the van, followed by Jay. Was nice to see that he had nothing to say to me and he didn't even ask about how Scarlett was. Does make me laugh that he's acting like this.

"You need to come with me. Kimberly wants to see you..." I replied, walking back towards the house to see that Kimberly was already stood in the door, with Scarlett resting on her hip. I couldn't help but smile when I saw that.

"What do you want Kim?" Tom asked as he appeared next to me.

"You go to daddy, yeah?" Kimberly smiled as Scarlett put her arms out towards me and I took hold of her as Kimberly motioned Tom to follow her into the living room. Tom just did as he was instructed to do and walked past me.

I sat myself down on the doorstep with Scarlett and she started playing with my fingers. A small smile forming on her lips every now and again. I just felt happy that, even though she wasn't my daughter, I could still spend this time with her and I loved her like she was my own daughter.

"Can I hold her?" I heard someone say. I looked up to see Jay stood there and he wanted to hold Scarlett. Even though he hadn't bothered with her before now. It's like he had suddenly decided that he cared about her.

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now