Part 9 - I Forgive You!

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I'd had a wonderful day with Karen and Jess. We didn't do much, but it was enough to make me happy and really appreciate what family life is actually like.

It's just a shame that Nathan wasn't here to be able to enjoy it with us. Then it would have been a complete family; but this will do for now. It's not going to get any better or easier for the next month and a half.

I just miss him so much. Even with what he has done to me. I loved him and never wanted to lose him, he just meant everything to me and I'll do anything to make sure he's always mine.

But he had annoyed me recently. He was avoiding phoning me because of what he had to tell me; which just made it even worse. I wanted so much to hear his voice but he wasn't even going to allow me that if it involved him telling me the truth. Sure, I was angry and upset that he would do something like that knowing how it feels, but I didn't hate him.

I just couldn't bring myself to hate him.

I loved him. More than anything, I loved him and I needed him in my life.

But there were so many thing which kept going wrong and making everything difficult, that it did make me wonder if there was anything good to come of all this fighting. Or if we were just fighting for nothing and it was all going to turn out to be pointless.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, telling me that something had happened on Twitter. Either that I'd got a text message back from Nathan but I wasn't really holding my breath for that one. I took it out of my pocket and looked to see that I had three new mentions on Twitter and, much to my surprise, Nathan had replied to my text message.

From Nathannnn!<3

Babe, I really am sorry. I swear, I was going to tell you and I can only assume that it was Tom who told you before I got a chance to. You and the kids are my life and I never want to lose you. That will kill me if that ever happens.

Look, I was an idiot. A drunken idiot that made a terrible mistake. I love you Kimberly and I don't want you to ever forget that because I mean it. After everything, we're still together and nothing is going to change that. Just please, forgive me?xxxx

I then looked on Twitter to see who had replied to me on there. One of them was from Nathan, one was from Lewis and the other was from Siva. I just scrolled through them to see what they had put back to me.

I'm sure they were going to make me feel stupid with what I tweeted earlier. But it's just how I Was feeling at the time. I was wondering if Nathan cared about me as much as he said he did. If he missed me as much as much as he said he did. If he loved me as much as he said he did.

And when you have thoughts like that stuck in your head; it's hard to get rid off them.

@NathanTheWanted: @KJParker @JessSykes96 I'll be home soon and then we can spend all the time in the world together:')xxxx

@KJParker: @NathanTheWanted @JessSykes96 Better had do, miss you so much:(xxxx

@LewisJParker: @KJParker @NathanTheWanted I'm sure he does miss you, he's just busy with everything x

@KJParker: @LewisJParker @NathanTheWanted I'm sure he is, but sometimes it feels like he doesn't miss me at all x

@SivaTheWanted: @KJParker @NathanTheWanted He does miss you, more than he tells you. I know this for a fact :) xx

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now