Part 8 - I'll Understand You, Just Give Me The Chance To..

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From TomTheWanted

Hey there sis, 

Just thought I'd let you know things are going to be changing very soon. You'd better get used to life without Nathan and your kids because I'm going to make sure all that stops when we're back in two months. 

Sorry that it has to be this was, but you know what it's like. I'm just doing what's best for you. 

Love Tom x

He was actually going to do this. He was actually going to ruin my life because he knew what was best for me, even though he had no idea. He was just trying to ruin everything because he didn't like what was happening between me and Nathan.

And that's when I felt my phone vibrate again. I thought that it might have been Nathan replying to me. But I was wrong about that as well. It was another message from Tom. And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse for me.

And then I read the message.

My heart broke into a million pieces. I didn't know what I was going to do. I felt betrayed and hurt by the person that I loved the most. I know I'd done the same thing, but Nathan knew what it felt like. So why would he do the same to me.

From TomTheWanted:

Also, Nathan slept with another woman while we were out here. He was never going to tell that he cheated so thought I would. Guess he doesn't love you as much as he claims...

I swear he was doing this on purpose.

Like he was enjoying knowing that he was making me suffer because of what he was telling me. I just didn't know what to do anymore. I thought me and Nathan had got over al that. We'd agreed that we would never sleep with anyone else because of what happened before.

Yet he's gone and done it anyway. I don't know if I should feel hurt, betrayed or just stupid. I always knew that he could do better than me; to this day I never understand why he picked me when he could have any woman in the world. I think he must have been having a bad day or he was just desperate.

Oh, I don't even know anymore.

Is it too much to hope that something will go right for me?


I was just sat on the balcony of our hotel. We had six days of doing pretty much nothing now. Just writing and recording really. And then we'd get back to our tours and sold out gigs.

I was watching the world go by when I I noticed someone come out and take a seat opposite me. I looked up to see Siva was sat there with a smile on his face - we were staying in tonight while Tom, Max, Kelsey and Jay were off out somewhere. I didn't really ask and I didn't particularly care either.

"You need to phone her you know?" Siva said suddenly.

"I know I do, but she's going to hate me so much. I know how it feels to be cheated on and I've gone and done exactly the same thing!" I sighed in reply.

"The sooner you do it, the better..."

"I just don't know how to tell her without hurting her!"

"That's not going to happen, you are going to hurt her. No matter how you tell her..." Siva said and I knew he was right. There was no making this better than it was. I had cheated and it was as simple as that. You can't make that into something good.

"Well I'd better do it now, before I change my mind..."

"Look Nath, just break it to her gently. If she loves you then she'll understand!" Siva smiled at me again.

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now