Part 2 - I Do Worry About Her...

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I had decided that today is the day I'm going to tell Kimberly about us going to America for two months. And, by us, I mean everyone with the exception of her.

I'm not sure how she os going to react to news like that. She could either be annoyed with me or she could just accept what has been decided without arguing. Guess I'll just have to wait and see on that one. But I had a feeling that I knew what was going to happen.

I might be surprised though.

"Morning babe..." I said as I walked into the bedroom. Kimberly was sat on the edge of the bed, holding Abigail in her arms. She spent more time with her than she did with Scarlett. Sometimes I wonder if she actually wants her anymore with the way that she acts. But it's not something I've ever mentioned to her.

Would probably only end up in an argument anyway.

"Morning Nath!" she smiled back at me.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah thanks, you?"

"No really..." I muttered. Kimberly looked at me confused and in shock.


"Look, I have something to tell you but I don't want you to react badly to it and kill me when I tell you..."

"Just tell me Nathan, what's going on?"

"Me and the boys; we're going on tour next month..."

"Oh, is that all you wanted to tell me?" she laughed happily at me.

"The tour is in America and we're going to be gone for two months. Kelsey is also coming with us so you're going to be on your own with Scarlett and Abigail..." I replied. I could see her face drop, the sadness in her eyes made me feel even worse than I already did. I didn't want to leave but I had no choice and there was no way of her coming with us either.

I mean, no one wants two screaming children when they're on tour.

"Hold Abigail for a minute. I'm going to check on Scarlett..." she replied as she handed Abigail to me and walked out of the room. I'm sure she wasn't going to check on Scarlett, I'm sure that she was going to cry somewhere that I couldn't see her.

I suppose it's good that she didn't shout at me and demand that I stay here to help her look after our kids. But then it's worse that she didn't say anything at all. I have no idea what she is feeling and I have no idea what she is thinking either. She could be plotting my death and I'd never even know.

This was going to be hard on her and, even if she didn't tell me that, I knew that was the case. She had never looked after both the girls on her own for longer than a couple of hours. Someone was always here to help her and that's what kept her going.

I'm just worried that this could send her over the edge and she'll do something stupid while I'm not here.

Not that I don't think she can do it.

I'm sure she can.

I'm just worried about if she'll last that long without any help, unless she decided to ask someone else for help.

Guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens...

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now