Part 7 - You Know You Love It..

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I'd been gone for over a week now and I hadn't spoken to Kimberly once in that time. I've been so busy with concerts and everything that I just keep forgetting. And my mind has been in other places as well.

Such as what to do about the Jay situation. He should be a part of Scarlett's life because he is her dad, but then he did throw his chance away when he acted the way that he did. But then again, as long as we set some rules for when he spends time with his daughter then it could be start. It would make Jay very happy indeed.

But then there is another reason I haven't spoken to her. I did something really stupid on the second night that we were here; I regret ever doing it but you can't change the past and you can't prevent things from happening. You're probably wondering what the hell I'm going on about right now.

But when you think about it, it's really obvious what happened.

I cheated on Kimberly after a drunken night out with the boys. Of course they all find it hilarious because I've gone and done exactly the same thing that Kimberly did to me, but I don't find it funny. Not even the slightest. I hate myself so much for letting it happen and I regret it more than anything. I keep trying to find the words to tell Kim what happened but they always get stuck in my throat. Especially when I remember how I felt when I discovered what Kimberly had cheated on me with my bestfriend.

I didn't want her to feel that way. Especially when I wasn't there to make her see just how sorry I am.

I love Kimberly and I don't want to lose her. But that's what I fear is going to happen if I tell Kimberly the truth. I also know that if I don't tell her the truth then one of the others will tell her. And then she'll hate me even more.

This is a lose, lose situation.

"Have you told her yet?" I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around to see that Jay was stood behind me. He did feel sorry for me and knew how I was feeling, but he did still find it slightly funny.

"I don't know how to. It'll kill her when she finds out..." I sighed.

"Well you need to tell her soon before she finds out from someone else. That'll kill her even more..." he replied with a smile.

"Should I tell her now?"

"It'll be 6pm now, so she probably won't be doing anything. Try her and see if she answers..." Jay said and with that he walked away.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it. I stared at the background for a few minutes and it brought a tear to my eye. It was a picture of me, Kimberly, Scarlett and Abigail taken a couple of days after Abi was born. I hadn't changed my background since that day because of how perfect it was.

It was then that I realised what I was risking throwing away by telling Kim the truth.

I risked everything.

I clicked onto Twitter, just as another way of avoiding calling Kimberly, and looked at what was happening. I went onto my mentions to see what had been tweeted about me recently and just so I could reply to a few things. There were a few which caught my eye so I decided to reply to them. Nothing like making a few fans' day.

@Nathannnn_: @NathanTheWanted Are you ever going to notice me, probably not:( but have fun in America, missing you over here:')xx

@NathanTheWanted: @Nathannnn_ I think today is your lucky day, consider yourself noticed ;) xx

@SykesDaughter: @NathanTheWanted Do you feel like adopting me, I'd love to be a part of your family? ;)xx

@NathanTheWanted: @SykesDaughter Consider yourself adopted... Don't forget to tell your parents though ;) xx

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now