Part 12 - Uh Oh, Tom's In Trouble...

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Eleven hours later and here I was, back on American soil. Time difference is going to take some time getting used to again. But I would get used to it at some point.

I was greeted by all four of the boys at the airport; they all had smiles on their faces. Anyone would think that they missed me or something like that.

Well, I did miss them all. With the exception of Tom. I didn't really miss him that much, I was just annoyed with him and I was going to be having it out with him once we got back to the hotel. I would tell Jay first, since he was trying to take his daughter as well, but the others didn't really need to know since it wasn't going to affect them that much.

"Kimberly and the kids alright then?" Jay smiled at me as we walked out towards the van.

"Yeah, they're great. And mate, I have to ask you something..."

"Oh yeah, what's that then?"

"Look, me and Kim were talking, and we want to know if you're serious about being in Scarlett's life as her dad?" I asked him, with a smile on my face. I could see a grin forming on his face as soon as those words left my mouth.

"Are you being serious?" he replied.

"Yes Jay. If you want to be involved in Scarlett's life then you can be, but you had better be serious this time around or Kimberly will kill you!"

"I know she will do. But I am serious this time around, the only thing I want is to make up for my mistakes and be a part of my daughter's life..." Jay said and from the tone of his voice, I could tell that he was serious and he was going  be a part of Scarlett's life. That meant that she was going to have two dads now and she was going to be even more spoilt that she already was.

I'm sure Kimberly will love having more toys scattered around the place.

"Well, we'll sort it out when we get back home. Kimberly will be so happy to know that you're serious!" I smiled at him.

"What you two talking about then?" Tom asked suddenly appearing next to the both of us. I don't understand how he can be so cool around me when he is planning on destroying my family.

I realy didn't understand him sometimes and it made me think if he could actually go through with what he was planning to do.

"Oh nothing. Just about Scarlett really..."

"Aw. Is she alright then?" he smiled at me.

"Why? You want to know if your sister has been a bad parent to her while you haven't been there?" I replied sarcastically.

"What are you going on about?"

"Yeah Nath. What are you going on about?" Jay asked confused.

"You know what I'm talking about..."

"Really. I don't." Tom replied. He was only acting like this so that he didn't get himself into bother. He didn't want to seem like the bad guy in all of this, but it was too late for that. Tom had made his decision and he was going to pay for that. I was going to make sure of that one.

"Oh. So you're not trying to split up my family by taking claiming custody of both Abigail and Scarlett?" I pretty much shouted at him.

"Well, erm..."

"Are you really trying to take my daughter away from Kimberly?" Jay asked.

"Look, it's for the best. Kimberly can get on with her life, go back to doing what she was doing before you both ruined her life by tying her down with two kids..." Tom said. He didn't even care what he was doing; he was just trying to justify his choices. It wasn't working with me though.

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now