Part 11 - America Is Calling...

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These fiva days had gone past far too quickly for my liking. I now wasn't going to see Kimberly, Scarlett and Abigail for another month and a half now.

This wasn't going to be easy since I've seen them now. And knowing what Tom has done, I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep the promise which I made to Kimberly.

He has annoyed me so much and I would love to knock the smug look, which he always seems to have, off his face.

He isn't going to take my family away from me. And if he tried, then he was going to have one hell of a fight on his hands. I loved my family and he needed to accept that instead of trying to tear us apart all the time.

I thought that he would have learnt by now. His plans never work and they only make my relationbship stronger.

This is no exception.

We will come out of this winners and Tom will, once more, be the loser who gets nothing.

"Are you ready to go then?" Lewis asked as I placed my suitcase in the boot of his car.

"Yeah. I said goodbye to Kim last night and I've left her a note as well, now lets go before I miss my flght..." I smiled at him.

I had said goodbye to Kimberly and the girls last night because I didn't want to wake them up at the time I was going to be leaving. It just wouldn't have been good. But I'd left her a note as well, just to say goodbye again and to make sure that she knew I was telling the truth and I meant everything that I'd said to her.

"What are you going to do to Tom when you get back to America then?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know what you promised Kimberly, but I also know you. You're not going to keep that promise so I was just wondering what you do actually plan on doing to Tom..."

"I haven't decided yet. But I'm not spending a month being nice to him when he's planning on totally destroying my family for his own gain!" I replied bitterly. Just talking about it got to me and reminded me that I wasn't going to be nice to him when I got back to America.

I was going to be having words with him and I was going to be warning him that he had one hell of a fight on his hands.

"You know, there is one way in which you and Kimberly will be able to keep the kids. Well, definitely keep Abigail anyway..."

"And how is that then?"

"You two could get married. Prove that you are a real family and Tom is lying, then they'll have a hard time trying to take Abigail away from you at least..."

"But what about our ages? We're too young to be thinking about marriage yet..."

"Nath, you're 21 and Kimberly is 22. Her and Jay had a baby when she was still 20 and then you and her had a baby when she was 21 and you were 20; do you really think marriage is going to be that bad?" he answered and he did have a point.

We did already have a baby together and getting married would be a way in which to prevent Tom from taking my daughter away from me. Even if it wasn't the best option; I was willing to try anything at a time like this.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

"Well, I guess it would be one option and it would annoy Tom even more..." I sighed.

"Just think about it. But remember what is at stake here..."

"I will do, I'll have to get back to you on that one!" I muttered, turning my attention to the outside world.

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now