Part 3 - Happy Ever After...

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Two months.

I was going to be on my own for two months.

I had no idea how this was going to go. I was so used to having Nath, Tom and Kels around to help me when I needed it, that this is going to be hard. I had to look after two kids by myself for two whole months.

Looking after a one year old while trying to juggle a four month old isn't the easiest thing in the world. It was going to be even harder now. I was always the one that looked after Abigail while Nathan looked after Scarlett so I had no idea how to cope with them both.

I mean, Jay told everyone that Scarlett was his daughter but he never helps look after her. He never comes to see her. He doesn't give me any money towards the cost of looking after her. He refuses to even touch her or speak to her when he does see her. But no one seems to notice this.

Jay is always made out to be the world's best dad to Scarlett. They just base their stories on what they think they know and what they see.

The lies.

The fake smiles.

The pathetic little laughs.

It really annoyed me.

But I could never tell anyone what he was really like. They would never believe me and they would just write some story about how I'm trying to ruin Jay's life because I'm jealous. Or some crap like that anyway.

I walked into Scarlett's room to see that she was still asleep. The more I looked at her, the more of Jay I could see in her and it really did hurt. That's why I can't spend time with her. Each time I look at her, she reminds me of the day that Nathan found out and how much I hurt him that day.

I know it's bad. But I can't spend time with her and I can't look at her like I used to.

I know it's my fault. But if I hadn't have been so stupid then I never would have had Scarlett meaning that me and Nathan would still be as happy as we used to be.

"Look Kimberly, it's only for two months. I'll be back before you even know it..." Nathan said from behind me making my jump slightly.

"I'm sure you will be, but I'm so used to having help when I needed it that I'm not sure how I'm going to manage on my own for two months!"

"You won't be completely on your own. You'll still have Lewis, Jess and my mum..." he replied.

"They're not always going to be there and I've got to learn to look after them on my own at some point, I am supposed to be their mum..." I sighed as I looked down at Scarlett again.

"You don't always have to do this on your own though. People are always going to be there to help you if you need it!"

"Yeah I know that. But I'm always relying on other people for help, I never want to do it by myself..."

"I really am sorry-"

"Look, don't be sorry. You're an international popstar, tours abroad are going to be common so I'll just look after our daughter while you go off with the boys and do your job..." I shrugged at him. It's not his fault. I was the one that decided to date Nathan and going away on tours is all part of that.

I'll get over it.

"Daughters. We have two, not one..."

"No, we have one daughter. Abigail is our daughter, Scarlett is mine and Jay's daughter!" I snapped without meaning to.

"Well if she's yours and Jay's, why the hell am I always looking after her? Why can't you stand to be around her for longer than you have to be? Why can't you even hold her?" Nathan shouted at me.

"I just can't, okay! Knowing that she is Jay's daughter and not yours, knowing that she is the reason that I ended up hurting you for about the thousandth time, knowing that she is the reason that our relationship nearly fell apart. It hurts so much Nathan and I just can't do it!" I replied as tears slowly made their way down my cheeks.

I didn't even bother trying to stop myself from crying. It had been a year and I hadn't told anyone that's how I'd felt. I didn't even tell Nathan because I knew that he would think I was just being stupid about the whole thing.

I didn't need him to tell me what I already knew though.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Nathan asked in a much calmer tone as he appeared in front of me.

"Because I knew that you would think I was just being stupid and you would just tell me to stop being such an idiot..." I muttered.

"Look Kim, I do think you're being a little bit stupid for stll acting like this a year after everything. But it's not your fault, I just wish you would have told me this before..." he smiled at me.

"I know but I didn't want to..."

"I don't understand why though. As far as I'm concerned, Scarlett is my daughter and she has been for the past year. And, unless Jay makes the effort, that's not going to change. We're a family. I love you and our daughters, even if one of them isn't mine..." Nathan chuckled slightly at me.

"I'm sorry. I never wanted any of this to happen, I just wanted us to be happy..."

"Aren't you happy?"

"Of course I am. I have you and, if you're happy, then I'm happy!" I replied.

"I've never been happier. We're a family, it's just you and me against the world because you're the most important thing to me right now!"

"You're so cheesy Nathan!" I giggled as I wiped the last of ny tears away from my eyes.

"But you still love me..."

"Obviously I still love you!"

"That's good then because I love you!" he replied as I looked up to see him smiling at me. He still had Abigail in his arms and I looked down at her as well. She had the same green eyes as Nathan and the same cute nose as he had. I was just about to kiss him when we were interrupted by Scarlett;


When she spoke them words, me and Nathan just looked at each other. Massive smiles on our face. Scarlett has just said her first word and I could tell that it had made Nathan happy.

It made me happy as well; despite everything that had happened.

Maybe this two months wasn't going to be as hard as I first thought it was going to be. Could turn out to be rather fun actually...

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now