Part 16 - Winners And Losers.

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"Nathan, are you ready yet? We've got to be at the hearing in an hour..." I shouted up the stairs for about the fifth time this morning. Nathan is always a nightmare to get out of bed, but I thought that it might have been easier today considering what was happening.

"Yes, I'm up and I'm nearly ready. Now will you stop shouting at me!" he replied.

"If you had got up when I first woke you up, then we wouldn't be having this problem now!" I laughed as I walked into the living room. Making sure that Abigail and Scarlett were both ready since they were going to be staying with Kesley while we went and sorted this whole mess out.

"I'm here now so we can go as soon as Kels gets here..."

"Mummy?" Scarlett said as I picked her up from the floor and put her into her playpen.

"Yes Scarlett?"

"Want food"

"Nath, can you get Scarlett something to eat please..."

"Like what?"

"I dunno, anything. I need to ring Lewis and tell him that we're finally ready to leave now!" I replied as I walked out of the room and headed upstairs to get my phone from the bedroom.


I walked out of the living room and into the kitchen to get Scarlett something to eat. I cut up some apple and put some squash into her cup for her before giving it to her. I then sat down on the sofa and thought about everything that was going to happen today.

The thought of losing Abigail had crossed my mind and just the idea of it really hurt. She was my daughter and I loved her, there was no way that I could lose her. It just wouldn't be fair if she went to love with Tom.

I wouldn't let that happen because there is no way that my daughter is going to be growing up with anyone but me and Kimberly.

There was a sudden knock at the door which brought me back to reality. I slowly walked over and looked through the peephole to see that the view had been obscured by someone with blonde hair. There was only one person that it could be.

I opened the door to see Kelsey stood there with a couple of bags in her hand. I knew what was in there because it was presents that she had bought for the girls while we were in America. I'm sure it was going to be fun clearing all that mess up when it was left around on the floor.

"Hey Nath..." she smiled at me.

"Hey Kels, thanks for doing this!" I replied as I closed the door behind her and followed her into the living room.

"It's alright, I needed an excuse to see the girls anyway!"

"You don't need an excuse, you're always welcome around here..."

"Where's Abigail then?"

"She's asleep in her bedroom, so you'll have to keep an ear for her..."

"Okay then and good luck today. I know you won't need it because you're going to win, Tom is just a twat for even thinking he stands a chance of winning!"

"Thanks Kels, we'll see you later!" I smiled at her.

"Yeah, see you later!" she smiled back at me. I left her playing with Scarlett as I walked out to the hallway to see Kimberly walking down the stairs, just finishing her conversation with Lewis. I could see that she was worried about the outcome of today but she was still smiling and being brave about the whole situation.

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now