Part 14 - Time Flies.

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Back to the UK today. Which means its back to my family and back to fighting Tom.

I was looking forward to this because now all the others knew just what he was like and how pathetic he was being. Max and Siva supported me and Jay with everything; but they didn't really take sides since that would have made things even more awkward for us all.

And things were already bad enough without that happening.

"So, what is the plan when we get back home then?" Jay asked while we were boarding the plane.

"I've already spoken to Kimberly and she agrees that it would be for the best if you applied for custody of Scarlett. That means there's less chance of Tom winning custody of her..."

"Are you sure? I couldn't do that to Kimberly, she loves Scarlett!" Jay replied and he was right. Kimberly had always been the one to look after Scarlett when Jay left her and didn't want to help her out. And when I wasn't there to help her out either.

It can't have been an easy thing for her to decide.

I'm sure it must have been a difficult thing for her to think about and I felt really sorry for her.

But if it meant that Scarlett got to stay with at least one parent, then she was willing to do it.

"It's for the best Jay. That way, Scarlett will grow up with at least one parent in her life which is better than having none!" I sighed.

"But I can't do that. I'd feel awful..."

"You have to, it's for the best and it's the only way that Scarlett will grow up with either you or Kimberly in her life!"

"But what about you? She's already started calling you daddy?"

"We'll deal with that when we come to it, but right now all me and Kimberly care about is keeping our family together!" I replied as I finally took my seat. I was sat in the middle of Jay and Siva this time around, so it wasn't going to be as awful as it was when we flew out here.

I was just looking forward to getting off this flight and seeing Kimberly and Abigail's faces. I was excited to be seeing Scarlett again since it wasn't going to be long before I might never get the chance to spend time with her again. I was happy to be going home and being able to spend time with my family for a while.

That's all that was on my mind right now.

I took my phone from my pocket and decided to have a quick look on Twitter to see what happening on there. The first thing I noticed was that there was a number one trend across the world for us. #TWBackToTheUKToday.

@NathanTheWanted: On the way back to the UK, can't wait to see @KJParker and the girls #TWBackToTheUKToday

I then went through my mentions to see what was going on in there. It was always good to make people's days and all I had to do was reply to them. It also made the beginning of the flight much more interesting.

@Sykes_: Wondering if @NathanTheWanted will ever notice me?:(

@NathanTheWanted: @Sykes_ Looks like today is your lucky day ;) xx

@NJS93: @NathanTheWanted Had any hangovers recently?;)xx

@NathanTheWanted: @NJS93 Me...hangover? I would never drink illegally ;) xx

@AliSykes123: I love you @NathanTheWanted x

@NathanTheWanted: @AliSykes123 I love you too and thanks for you support :) xx

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now