Part 5 - What's It To Do With You?

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Once we had picked Max, Siva, Nareesha and Kelsey up from the relevant destinations, we made our way to the airport.

We were greeted by a small group of fans who had arrived here just to see us. There were some of the usual people and there were some new faces that we hadn't seen before. It was nice to see new people as well as the old ones.

And then once all that was out the way, it came to boarding the plane. Oh how I love this part. Always takes such a long tome just to get on board since you have to wait for everyone else to get on as well.

It takes so long just to do that.

"Mate, you're sitting next to me..." Tom stated as he appeared next to me, placing his suitcase on the floor beside him.

"Am I?"

"Yep, I've just been told. Hope you don't mind!"

"Of course I don't mind; you can tell me what you and Kimberly were arguing about..." I replied as I walked away from him and over to where the chairs were.

I sat down in one of them and wondered how things could change for us over the next two months. I mean, we had already been to America and become pretty big. But we were going there to do more concerts and more promotional things.

It was going to be exciting and I was looking forward to it.

But I also couldn't help but feel a slight hole in my heart. Like there was something missing. Well, obviously there was something missing but I didn't expect to miss them this quickly.

It hurt knowing that there was going to be such a distance between us.

Knowing that if Kimberly needed someone to talk to then I wasn't going to be there for her.

Knowing that if she wanted to spend time together, then that wasn't going to be able to happen either.

A phonecall was all Kimberly and my daughters were going to get for the next two months. And even that could be difficult because of the time differences. But I would do my best to make sure I could help her if she needed it

I was brought back out of my thoughts by a woman annoucing our flight over the tannoy;

The ten fifteen flight to Los Angeles is now boarding from gate C. That's the ten fifteen flight to Los Angeles now boarding.

She sounded like she really enjoyed her job. Her voice was dull and she spoke with a tone of annoyance. Like she would rather be in another place.

Not that I blamed her.

I wouldn't want to do her job.


 Once we had boarded the plane, I allowed Tom to take his seat before I shoved my bag into the compartments, which were located above us. I really wasn't looking forward to this flight since I'm sure Tom would have something to say to me about mine and his sister's relationship.

He had never ereally approved of us, no matter how much he said that he did. He really didn't. And he really didn't like the fact that me and Kimberly were parents. He thinks that I ruined his sister's life and insists that if she hadn't have got involved with me, then she would be doing something with her life by now.

But I've never told Kimberly that he has said that to me.

You might be wondering how I know he doesn't approve of me and his sister. Well let me tell you a few things that give me that impression;

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now