Part 10 - I'll Never Let That Happen..

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Having Kimberly back in my arms felt perfect.

The hole which had existed in my heart before this had been filled once more.

And I felt happy once again, despite everything that has happened. I do wonder if I should keep fighting for our relationship because of people trying to ruin everything and almost succeeding. But then it's times like this that remind me, if I don't keep fighting then I will end up with nothing.

And I don't want that to happen.

That thought of being alone again is one that I can't bare and I don't even want to think about.

I could never imagine my life going back to the one where I was alone. The one where I had no one and was left with pretty much nothing. The one where I was always going back to an empty house.

I didn't want that life again. I was happy with this one and I wasn't going to do anything which risked throwing it all away.

"Kimberly..." I heard Jess say as she knocked on the door and opened it at the same time. I carefully removed my arm from around Kimberly and walked over to the door, opening it further so that Jess could see me.

She looked at me in shock before a massive smile spread across her face and she threw her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back, pushing her out of my bedroom at the same time so I could close the door and let Kimberly remain asleep.

"Hello Jess!" I smiled gently at her.

"Nathan, when did you get back?" she replied.

"This afternoon while you were out. I came back because I needed to sort things out with Kimberly..." I said as we walked down the stairs and into the living room. My mum pulled me into a similar bone crushing hug that Jess had just had me in. I'm guessing they were both happy to see me and my surprise worked better than expected.

"When do you have to go back to America then?" Jess asked.

"I've got a plane back from Gatwick at 9.30 on Sunday morning so that I get back in time for out next gig. So I'm all yours until then..." I smiled at her and then smiled at my mum as well.

"We should all do something tomorrow, if you're not doing anything that is!" my mum said from nowhere. I thought it was a good idea because it could be the only time I get to spend with them for a while now since I have no idea when I'm next going to be able to do something like this.

"Me and Kimberly have got to do some talking, but I'm up for that..." I replied.

"Good. Well, I guess you can look after the kids while we go out with Lewis then!" mum laughed. I looked at Abigail and Scarlett, both of whom were currently asleep, so I would have nothing to really worry about until they woke up and started making loads of noise.

Strange to think I've actually missed their crying though.

"Where's Lewis taking you then?" I asked, just being nosey really.

"He's taking us for dinner just to thank us for letting him stay here. Phil is going to meet us there, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you as well!" mum smiled in reply as she grabbed her coat from the back of the chair and put it on.

"I'll see you all when you get back, have fun..."

"Will do!" Jess said as she hugged me again, like it was the last time she was going to see me.

"Bye..." I shouted as they all left the house and they all chorused it back to me. The front door slammed shut, signalling that they had now gone out and I was left on my own.

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now