Part 6 - Where's Daddy?

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Nathan has only been gone a week and I already miss him. The longest me and him have ever been apart is probably two days. So this was really hard for me. But I was managing so far.

And I haven't even asked for help from anyone.

I was determined to prove to people that I could do this. So many people thought I would never cope; I just needed to prove all of them wrong. I needed to show that I was a good mum to both my daughters; no matter who their dad is.

"Where's daddy?" Scarlett asked as I placed her in her high chair so I could feed her while Abigail was still asleep.

"Daddy is away with work. He'll be home soon though..." I smiled.

"Daddy..." Scarlett said again. It's all she's been saying since Nathan had gone away. And I don't know how to explain to a one year old that her daddy isn't going to be home for two months.

That has been the hardest part really. And I don't know how to deal with it, especially since Nathan hasn't phoned me once in the whole week he's been gone.

"He'll be home soon baby!" I smiled at her and she just smiled back at me as I continued to feed her breakfast.

Today, Lewis was coming to see me and then he was driving me to see Jess and Karen. I had promised them that I was going to spend a couple of days with them, which then turned into a week. I was looking forward to it because I hadn't seen either Jess or Karen since Abigail was born.

I'd been so busy that I'd forgotten about them. So I was going to make up for it.

A loud knock at the door distracted me from, both, what I was doing and my thoughts. I left Scarlett's breakfast on the side because the last time I gave her food to eat herself, the kitchen looked like a bomb had hit it. Took me an hour to clear everything up while Scarlett found the whole thing amusing.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by two people. One of them I'd never seen before but he looked like he was someone important; he had a black suit on, held a briefcase in one hand and a folder in the other. He wore a serious look on his face and I had a feeling I wasn't going to like the reason that he was here for. The other person was Lewis who looked considerably happier than this stranger.

"Are you Miss. Kimberly Parker?" he asked. His accent showed that he wasn't from London, he was from up north somewhere; he could possibly have been from Nottingham or one of them places.

"Yes, that's me..."

"My name is Mr. Thomas and I'm here about your daughters, Scarlett Mia Parker and Abigail Ella Sykes!"

"Why are you here about them? What's going on here?" Lewis asked, pushing past Mr. Thomas and making his way to my side. He could see how terrified I was and obviously noticed I was on the brink of tears.

I don't know what I had done wrong and I don't know if he was here to take my children. But I was afraid of the reason that he was here.

"And you are?"

"Lewis. Lewis Parker..."

"And how do you know Miss. Parker and her children?"

"Kimberly is my sister and Scarlett and Abi are my nieces, now what's going on here?" Lewis asked again.

"I'm here because a Mr. Thomas Parker wants custody of both your children. He feels that you're not coping and he believes that the children aren't being treated as well as they should be..." Mr. Thomas spoke and as those words left his mouth, I could feel my heart break into a million pieces.

Abigail Ella Sykes [Final Part of You Hate Nathan Sykes]Where stories live. Discover now