Spirit of Wind

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Early the next morning, we were riding away from Arendelle towards the Enchanted Forest. I was dressed in black pants and a long, blue, fur-lined coat with winter boots and my hair braided around my head. I was sitting in the back alongside Mother and Olaf while Aunt Anna and Uncle Kristoff sat in the front with Sven pulling us all. Throughout the trip, Olaf rattled on with trivia. I curled up against Mother one night, sleeping until an echoing voice woke me up. My eyes snapped open as I crawled out of the sled. "Uncle Kristoff, can you stop for a moment?" I asked. "I can hear it. It's the voice again."

"I can hear it too." Mother agreed.

"You do?" Aunt Anna questioned. I rounded a corner and gasped at the sight before me, a large wall of mist stood before us, terrifying and amazing at the same time.

"Woah..." Uncle Kristoff trailed off. Mother started forward, and I was barely a step behind her. We slowed as we reached the wall, allowing our family to join us. Uncle Kristoff walked forward and was pushed back, prompting Olaf to laugh as he did the same. I felt a hand encase mine, and followed the arm up to find Mother staring at the mist. She gently lead me forward, and together, we reached out to the mist. With a small gasp, the mist broke, revealing four stone spires surrounding us. From left to right, Wind, Earth, Water and Fire.

"Promise me we do this together, ok?" Aunt Anna asked, placing her hand on Mother's arm.

"I promise." Mother told her. And with that, the six of us pressed forward, the mist closing behind us. Sven groaned, prompting Uncle Kristoff to run his hand over his fur.

"It's ok." He soothed.

"Did you know that an Enchanted Forest is a place of transformation?" Olaf commented. "I have no idea what that means, but I can't wait to see what it's gonna do to each one of us." I gripped Mother's hand as we made our way through the misty terrain, my eyes scanning the world around me. Suddenly, a gust of wind hit my back, causing me to stumble forward.

"Hey!" I protested, but it went unheard as the wind picked up, pushing us all forward.

"What is this?" Uncle Kristoff demanded. We were pushed out of the mist. We turned around, and Olaf ran headfirst back into the mist, only to be thrown back again. Mother lifted her hand and sent a blast of ice into the mist, but it bounced off easily and ricocheted back at me, causing me to quickly duck.

"And we're locked in." Aunt Anna sighed. "Probably should have seen that one coming." I turned around to observe the world around me.

"Guys..." I called softly. "This forest...it's amazing." The world seemed to be in still sunset, birch trees with brown leaves reflected the light, and birds and animals could be heard throughout the forest. We crept forward admiring the scenery. Mother and I started to look around, but were startled when Aunt Anna appeared.

"Elsa, Elira!" She called. She jogged over to us. "There you are. You two ok?"

"We're fine." I assured.

"Where's Olaf?" My eyebrows pinched together as I looked around, not finding the short snowman.

"Olaf!" I called. "Where are you!" Uncle Kristoff and Sven joined us again, searching for Olaf, and we did find him...in the middle of a tornado. We were quickly swept up in it.

"Hey guys!" Olaf shouted over the noise. "Meet the Wind Spirit!" As I was tumbling through the air, I saw a large branch heading straight for Uncle Kristoff and Sven. I conjured an ice blast and sent it flying to knock it out of the way. There was a chitter, and I felt wind dancing up my arms. I saw as my family get spat out, and I was pressed back-to-back with Mother. We were encased in a sphere of wind.

"Together?" I called behind me. I saw mother give a nod, and together, we activated our Magic. The strength of our powers managed to force the Wind Spirit to set us on the ground, but keep swirling around us. My eyes widened at the sounds images that appeared before me. A child's laughter, someone calling for Prince Agnar, my grandfather, the slice of a sword and someone declaring their reasoning as 'For Arendelle'. I screamed, letting my powers flow and breaking the wind dome. I took deep breaths as I looked around at the ice statues that had been created.

"Are you ok?" Aunt Anna asked hurriedly, appearing beside us.

"We're fine." Mother assured.

"What are these?" Uncle Kristoff questioned.

"They look like moments in time." Mother said, her hand gently caressing a horse's leg.

"What's that thing you say, Olaf?" Aunt Anna questioned.

"The thing..." The Snowman trailed off. "Oh! My theory about advancing technologies as both our saviour and our doom?"

"No, not that one, the one about-"

"The one about cucumbers?"

"No. The thing about water."

"Oh, yeah, water has memory." Olaf told us. "The water that makes up you and me has passed through at least four humans and/or animals before us. And remembers everything." My eyes widened as the wind picked up some leaves, flying around everyone. "Oh! The winds back! I think I'll name you...Gale."

"Are we sure it wants a name?" I asked as the wind circled around me, picking up my coat. "Do you like it?" The leaves seemed to nod. "Ok Gale." Gale then flew over to a particular statue, one of two people, a boy and a girl. Mother and Aunt Anna approached it slowly.

"Father..." Aunt Anna said. "That's father!"

"This girl..." Mother trailed off.

"She's saving him." Olaf told them.

"She's Northuldra." Uncle Kristoff realised. A sound of a horn broke through the dark, and we backed away. Aunt Anna grabbed a sword from one of the ice statues as I lifted my hands. We looked around wearily as the trees shook and Aunt Anna dashed forward, slicing down one of the trees. She revealed a group of people dressed in tan who quickly surrounded us. 

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