Isle Bound

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Eventually, the 3D printer finished, and I tapped Jay and Carlos awake. "Boys, boys it's done." I told them. The two woke up, and Carlos opened the printer to pluck the fake wand from it's perch.

"Not bad." Carlos commented.

"Let's go." Jay encouraged.

"Hey guys, what about me?" A new voice asked. I turned and saw...Dude and Bruni, sitting on the mutt's head.

"Please tell me that was the dog and not the Fire Spirit that shouldn't be here." I stressed. Bruni deflated.

"No, Dude, you stay." Carlos ordered. "I'm serious, stay." Dude grumbled as he laid down again. "I love you buddy."

"Bruni, stay with Dude." I added, backing out of the room. "I mean it." Bruni squeaked as he curled up on Dude's head.

"We'll be back before you know it." Carlos closed the door on him. The three of us hurried down the stairs, and were met by Doug at the entrance of the school. Jay quickly hid the fake wand behind him.

"Oh, hey, have you seen Evie?" Doug asked.

"Uh...she went camping." Carlos said. I eyed him, what in Hades is he thinking?

"Evie-I-want-to- live-in-a-castle sleeping on the ground with no place to plug in a hair dryer?"

"You know how spontaneous she is, bro."

"Yeah. Totally. Totally." Jay added.

"We'll see you later, Doug." I said, pulling the boys back.

"Oh, hey Elira." Doug greeted.

"Later." I insisted. Doug went to leave and I turned the boys around...and we were face-to-face with Lonnie.

"I'm coming with you guys." She stated.

"What?" Jay laughed. "We don't need swords at the...Waffle Hut."

"You're going to the Isle to rescue Ben." Lonnie stated. "And you're dragging Elira along with you? Look, it's either you take me or I'm gonna have to tell Fairy Godmother." Jay and Carlos shared a look and then sighed. Lonnie grinned and threw her arms around the boys as we headed to the limo. I paused at the door.

"Elira, you ok?" Jay asked.

"I don't know." I admitted. "Going to the Isle...I never thought I would. And I'm Queen now so..." I sighed. "It doesn't matter. I have my powers, I can protect myself...let's get this done."

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