History of the Past Uncovered

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"Ah, ah, ah, ah." Mother called as we walked through a desolate landscape of jagged rocks and dead trees. Mother's plan was simple, not the best, but it's all we had. Call and response. We assumed that it would work both ways when calling the other.

"Wah, ohhh, ah, ohhh!" Olaf cried.

"Ahhhh~" I sang, my hands cupping my mouth.

"WAHOHHEH!" Olaf responded. I glared at him before following up after Mother. "Oh hey, Gale's back." I felt a brush of wind as Gale swirled around me, lifting my coat and moving the stray hairs around my face. It then swirled around Mother and we followed it's movements into the distance, where the mast od the ship. I could see Gale swirl around the flag...and the familiar colours of green and purple caught my eye, the colours of Arendelle. Mother and I hurried to the top of the hill with Aunt Anna following close behind. There was a wreckage of a ship, old and seemingly forgotten by time.

"It can't be..." Aunt Anna whispered.

"What is it?" Olaf wondered. My eyes widened as I realised what it was.

"Mother and Father's ship." Mother confirmed.

"I thought Grandma Iduna and Grandpa Agnarr went to the Southern Sea?" I asked softly. Mother and Aunt Anna rushed towards the wreckage, and I followed after them slowly with Olaf on my heels.

"How did the ship get through the mist?" Olaf wondered as we looked around. "I thought no one could but us?"

"The only way that it could have gotten through is..." I turned to gaze sadly at my mother. "If no one was on the ship when it passed through..." I approached my Mother, setting my hand gently on her arm.

"There's gotta be something here." Aunt Anna decided. "Wait, look around." She ordered us. "Every Arendellian Ship has a compartment, waterproof." We did as Aunt Anna asked.

"That's very clever." Olaf stated. "Although, it does make me wonder, why don't they just make the whole ship waterproof." After a little bit of searching, Aunt Anna called out that she had found it, and we gathered around her. She opened the tube and slipped a scroll out of it.

"What language is this?" She wondered, inspecting the paper.

"I don't know." Mother admitted. "But look, this is mother's handwriting."

"The end of the Ice Age." I read softly. "The river found, but lost, magic's source, Elsa's source?" I looked to Mother as she took the paper.

"It's a map." Aunt Anna said, taking out a second scroll and laying it down. "They traveled north." She said, using her fingers to follow up a dotted line. "And planned to cross the Dark Sea to..."

"Ahtohallan." Mother whispered.

"It's real?"

"Octa-who-what?" Olaf questioned.

"Ahtohallan." Aunt Anna repeated. "It's a magical river, said to hold all the answers about the past."

"Reinforcing my 'water has memory' theory, hmm."

"Water has memory." Mother muttered. I watched as she moved to a flat area of the shipwreck. Her hands let off a soft blue frost as she pressed them too the wood. Water droplets rose from the wreckage. "I want to know what happened to them." Slowly but surely, the water droplets showed my grandparents embracing, and their voices echoing through the hollow ship.

"Ahtohallan has to be the source of her Magic." Grandma Iduna had said.

"We keep going, for Elsa." Grandpa Agnarr responded. I knelt next to Mother, leaning into her for comfort as Aunt Anna wrapped her arms around her, the water drops continuing to form a tidal wave around my grandparents.

"The waves are too high!" Mother stood and rushed off, I followed after her with Aunt Anna on my heels. Mother lent on a rock, her shoulders shaking.

"This is my fault." Mother breathed. "They were looking for answers about me."

"You are not responsible for their choices, Elsa." Aunt Anna assured.

"No, just their deaths!"

"Mother." I protested, turning her towards me. "That's not true. Do you remember what Yelana said? She questioned why the Spirits blessed us with magic, blessed you with magic. The reasoning is simple. Grandma Iduna saved Grandpa Agnarr all those years ago. She saved her enemy."

"Her good deed was rewarded with you." Aunt Anna agreed, taking Mother's hand. "You are a gift."

"For what?" Mother asked.

"If anyone can resolve the past..." Aunt Anna took my hand as well. "If anyone can save Arendelle and free this forest, It's the both of you. Elsa, Elira, I believe in you, more than anyone or anything." Mother slipped her hands out of Aunt Anna's and turned to the ship.

"Honeymaren said there was a fith spirit. A bridge between the magic of nature, and us." Mother explained. "That's who's been calling us, from Ahtohallan. The answers of the past are all there."

"So we go to Ahtohallan." Aunt Anna decided.

"Not we." Mother said softly. "Us." She gestured between me and her.


"The Dark Sea is too dangerous for all of us."

"No, we do this together. Remember the song? 'Go too far, and you'll be drowned'. Who will stop you two from going too far?"

"You said you believed in us, that this is what I was born to do."

"And I don't want to stop you from that. I don't wanna stop you from being whatever you need to be, I just don't want either of you dying, trying to be everything for everyone else too. Don't do this by yourselves. Let me help you, plese. Elsa, Elira, I can't loose you." Mother pulled me and Aunt Anna into a hug, gesturing Olaf into it.

"I can't loose you either, Anna." Mother breathed. I sighed, my eyes falling closed. My foot shifted, and an ice slide formed underneath Aunt Anna and Olaf's feet. They slid back a fraction, but Mother created a boat and the two of them were sent shooting away from us, away fom danger. I hugged myself, taking a shaky breath. I turned to Mother.

"I guess it's just us then, yeah?" I confirmed.

"It has to be." Mother responded. I nodded.

"Ok. Just us."

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