Coronation Date Drama

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Ben only had one reason as to why he would be excused from all Royal Duties...and that was Tourney. Still, I had to trail him the rest of the day. I wore an ice blue sundress and white heels, my hair pulled into a ponytail secured by a blue and gold scarf, the Auradon Prep school colours. Unfortunately, dealing with Ben all day ment enduring Audrey. "Do you think they actually paid for those?" Audrey asked Ben, "She did that to Jane's hair too and Fairy Godmother's not happy about it." She ranted,

"What's the harm?" Ben asked, shrugging,

"It's gateway magic! Sure it starts with the hair, next thing you know it's the lips and the legs and the clothes and everyone will look beautiful and then." She put her hand to her chest like she was in mortal danger. "Where will I be?" She whimpered. I pressed my lips together to contain a groan.

"Listen, Audrey-" Ben started. Audrey composed herself.

"I will see you at the game after my dress-fitting for the Coronation Ok?" She smiled.

"Ok." Ben responded.

"Bye Bennyboo!" She air kissed his cheek and walked away.

"Bye..." Ben said boredly, his eyes meeting mine as Audrey passed me. I gave him a noncommittal shrug. There was a slam, and Mal turned to face Ben.

"Hey Bennyboo!" She mocked Audrey. Ben turned and smiled.

"Hey." He walked over to Mal. I kept back from the talk.

"I just made a batch of cookies, double choc chip. Want one?" Mal shook a ziplock bag that held a single cookie.

"Oh. I, uh, I've have a big game. I don't eat before a big game." Ben explained, "But thank you so, so much. Thank you. Next time." Ben started to walk away.

"Oh, I get it." Ben stopped and turned to me. "'Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains'"

"No, no, no." Ben started to defend but Mal cut him off.

"I'm pretty sure that every kid in Auradon knows that."

"No! That's not it. No, no, no I-I really do" Ben stuttered,

"I understand. Your cautious. That's smart of you." Mal opened the bag and took out the cookie. "Oh well, more for me I guess." Mal went to take a bite of the cookie.

"No, no. Hey." Ben snatched the cookie out of Mal's hand and took a big bite out of it. "See that?" He said with a mouth full of cookie, "Totally trust you." He stated. Jay, Carlos and Evie crept closer to Ben.

"How are they?" Mal asked,

"There good. There great! There amazing!" He gave a short laugh, "There, uh, I mean they're chewy, and, and you know they, is that walnuts?" Mal nodded. "I love walnuts. I mean, uh, you know the... the chocolate." He cleared his throat, "The... the chocolate... the chocolate chips are..." I looked at him curiously. "I'm sorry, um. Uh, they're... they're warm and soft. And they're sweet...Mal have you always had those little gold flecks in your eyes?" I blinked. Mal took the cookie out of Ben's hand as Jay appeared behind him, placing his hand on the Prince's shoulder.

"How you feeling, bro?" Jay asked,

"I feel... I feel... I feel like... like singing your name! Mal-" I jumped as Mal slapped her hand over Ben's mouth.

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