Spirits of Earth

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"Elira!" A voice gasped, darting forward and wrapping me in a hug. "Oh thank goodness you're ok."

"Mother." I sighed.

"What were you thinking?" Mother gripped my arms as she turned me around to her. "You could have been killed. You can't just run into fire."

"When it's to protect people, running into fire is all I can do." I told her. "Mother, we're the only two who can help." Mother sighed, releasing my arms.

"I'm sorry." She said, releasing my arms. "Are you ok?"

"I'm...ok. I could be better, but Bruni's been calmed."

"Bruni?" Mother gestured Aunt Anna forward who had a satchel around her torso. "The Fire Spirit?" I nodded as Mother fished a scarf out of the satchel and wrapped it around my shoulders. "There you go." She said, drawing it close. There was a collective gasp from the Northuldra. We turned to them in confusion.

"Where did you get that scarf?" Yelana asked.

"That's a Northuldra scarf." A man told us, stepping towards us.

"What?" Aunt Anna muttered.

"This is from one of our oldest families." A woman said.

"Wasnt this scarf Grandma Iduna's?" I asked. Mother then grabbed my hand and started to run towards where we fought Gale. I grabbed my Aunt's hand and I pulled her along. We raced towards the ice statues and towards the one of Grandpa Aggnar and the girl saving him. Mother caressed the icy shawl.

"Elsa..." Aunt Anna trailed off, peering at the girl's face.

"I see it." Mother replied softly. "It's Mother..."

"Mother saved Father's life that day." Aunt Anna realised. Around us, the Northuldra, the Arendellian Soldiers, Kristoff, Sven and Olaf surrounded us.

"Our mother was Northuldra." Mother announced. Gale then chittered as it appeared, swirling around the three of us. I let out a small gasp of surprise as the forest around us shone, the ice statues and Olaf doing so as well.

"It's beautiful..." I trailed off. A chant started from the Northuldra, a group chant with all of them singing in harmony. It ended with Yelena offering her hands to us. I slid my hand into one of Yelena's, Mother and Aunt Anna doing the same to the other.

"We are called Northuldra." Yelena said. "We are the People of the Sun."

"I promise you, we will free this forest." Mother said, resting a hand on my shoulder. "And we'll restore Arendelle."

"That's a pretty big promise, Elsa." Aunt Anna said.

"But we can do it." I told her determinedly. I then turned to Yelena. "I heard the voice again, and it wants us to go North."

"But the Earth Giants now roam the North at night." The woman from earlier said.

"You can leave in the morning." Yelena told us, gently resting a hand on mine and Mother's back to lead us away. I found myself with some of the little kids, entertaining them with little ice sculptures and toys. We were having a blast when heavy thuds were heard, and the children seemed to freak out.

"The Earth Giants!" One whimpered.

"They've come for us." Another breathed.

"It's ok, it's ok." I soothed, quickly drawing them close as I used my magic to extinguish the fire in between us. "This way." I pulled the children behind a fallen log and peered over the top of it. I watched as large creatures walked through the trees, seemingly made of stone. I stood slowly, wanting to follow them but a tug on my hand prevented me from moving. I sighed, bringing the children back to the main circle of tents and they were happily reunited with their parents. I moved over to my own Mother, who was talking with Aunt Anna.

"Hey guys, that was close." Olaf said as he ambled over himself, Bruni on his head.

"I know." Mother said as Bruni scampered down Olaf's carrot nose and into my waiting palm. "The giants sensed us, they may come back here. I don't want to put anyone at risk again. And you're right, Anna, we've got to find the voice."

"We have to leave now." I supplied. "It's the safest option." Mother nodded, and with that, the group of us consisting of Mother, Aunt Anna, Olaf, Bruni and I started our trek North.

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