To Save a King

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I arrived in Auradon as the moon was high. Bruni refused to leave me, so he sat perched on my shoulder. I had made sure I was dressed for whatever was happening, light blue skinny jeans, a white blouse and an ice-blue blazer with matching boots. My hair was pulled into a braid tight on my skull. My boots made subtle thudding noises as I stalked through the halls of Auradon prep to Jay and Carlos' room. Best place to start considering Carlos was the one who called me. When I arrived, I noticed Chad walking away from the room with a...headless action figure. I stepped up to the door and knocked on it. "Chad, we told you-" Jay started, pausing when his eyes met mine.

"You two better have a good plan for saving Ben or I am freezing you both where you stand and going to save him myself." I told him.

"Uh..." Jay trailed off.

"Is that Elira?" Carlos asked. I stepped forward, Jay stepping aside to let me in. I saw Carlos looking up from a 3D printer. "Thank goodness you're here." Carlos said. "We need all the help we can get."

"What happened?" I demanded. Between Jay and Carlos, they explained what had happened over the past couple of days. Mal was overwhelmed with life in Auradon and had run back to the Isle, her friends and Ben had followed her, and in doing so, Ben was captured by Ursula's daughter, Uma. "So..." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Your plan is to trade Ben for a fake wand and you're hoping that this Uma girl won't notice the wand is fake for long enough to escape?"

"...yeah, pretty much." Jay admitted. I sighed.

"Yeah, I'm coming with you."

"Wait, you can't-" Carlos started.

"I am the Queen of Arendelle, I'm coming with you whether you like it or not."

"Wait, you're Queen?" Jay wondered. "When was the coronation?"

"It was two days ago, I sent invitations, you never came."

"We haven't checked our mail in a couple of days." Carlos admitted.

"You two don't look like you've had much sleep, you two rest, I'll keep an eye on this."

"Thanks, Elira." I gave the boys a soft smile as they settled into chairs. I pulled one closer to sit on, watching as the 3D printer did it's work...if not, I'd lose my best friend...

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