Safe and Sound

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We pulled up to the Isle, a dark and dreary place that I had never wished to see. I stepped out of the limo, wrapping my jacket around myself. I spotted Mal and Evie standing in front of a pipe. "Oh thank the Spirits you're both ok." I breathed, hurrying up to them and wrapping them in a hug.

"What are you doing here?" Mal asked.

"Carlos called." I said, pulling away. "He said Ben was kidnapped, and there was no way I was going to sit around and do nothing."

"Thank you." Evie said. "Welcome to the Isle." I stepped back as the two greeted Lonnie. I saw Carlos and Jay approaching, the son of Jafar with a group of swords. I also saw Dude...with a familiar blue salamander on his head.

"Bruni." I sighed. I kelt down, offering my hand to him. Bruni scampered up my arm and onto my shoulder. "You shouldn't have come."

"Ooh. Here, let me see." Mal said, offering her hand for the fake wand. Carlos handed it over to allow the daughter of Maleficent to inspect it. "Wow, what a beauty."

"It's noon." Jay pointed out.

"All right. Are we ready?"

"Yeah." Evie said, lifting a small bag. Lifting my own hand, I let some snowflakes fall from my fingertips.

"Let's do this." Mal decided. I followed my friends through the pipe to what appeared to a dock, with a singular grand ship sitting proud amongst the choppy water.

"Hey guys!" A boy, who I was told was Gill, called out from the top of the mast of the ship. "They're here!"

"Welcome!" Harry Hook exclaimed.

"Finally!" Uma, Ursula's daughter, shouted before she started to laugh.

Uma -

Huh! Let's get this party started

I swear I'm cold-hearted

There's no negotiation

I'm not here for debatin'

You need some motivation?

Just look at Ben's face

Then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient

I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks

You either hand over the wand, or he'll be ripped apart

Mal -

Now let's all just be smart, although for you that must be hard

You'll get your wand - no one has to come to any harm!

Don't try to intimidate

Your bark is much worse than your bite

Who's the baddest of them all?

I guess we're findin' out tonight!

Pirates -

Let's go! Bring it on!

Better give us what we want

It's the wand for the crown

If you don't it's goin' down

VK's, Elira and Lonnie -

Let's go! Make your move!

Peace or war, it's up to you

Give him up and do it now

If you don't it's goin' down

Pirates -

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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