Spirit of Fire

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Aunt Anna quickly backed away as one of the Northuldra with a spear stepped forward. "Lower your weapon." She ordered. There was a clang as swords hit shields. I looked behind me to see Arandellian soldiers advancing.

"And you lower yours." The lead soldier stated. I tilted my head, he looked oddly familiar.

"What are Arendellian soldiers doing out here?" I wondered.

"Threatening my people, Lieutenant?" An older Northuldra woman asked, appearing from the trees. She held her staff at the Lieutenant.

"Invading my dance space, Yelena?" The Lieutenant countered.

"Why does that Lieutenant look so familiar..." Aunt Anna wondered, pointing her sword at him.

"Get the sword!" The Lieutenant declared, charging forward. The Northuldra advanced as well, and in a bit of quick like-minded thinking, Mother and I blast ice at the ground, causing an ice floor to form beneath the advancing to slip and fall back. "That was Magic...Did you see that?"

"Of course I saw it." Yelena snapped, shuffling forward to retrieve her staff.

"You two chose a nice cold greeting." Aunt Anna muttered.

"You're the one who pointed a sword at them!" I hissed back.

"They've been trapped in here this whole time?" Uncle Kristoff wondered.

"What do we do now?" Mother asked.

"I got this." Olaf said, pushing past us. "Hi!" He greeted, causing everyone to mutter in confusion. "I'm Olaf." One Northuldra man hid behind his friend. "Oh, sorry. Yeah, I just find clothes restricting. Bet you're wondering who we are and why we're here. It's really quite simple." Olaf skated into the middle of the ice floor. "It began with two sisters. One born with magical powers, and one born powerless. Their love of snowmen, infinite. 'Anna, No! Too high!' Blast! 'Ow, Mama, Papa, help!' Slam! Doors shutting everywhere, sisters torn apart! Well, at least they have their parents. Their parents are dead. 'Oh, I am Anna, I wanna marry a man I just met!; Elsa's gonna blow, snow, snow, ah run! Magic pulses through my snowflakes." Olaf gasped. "I live! 'Ice palace for one, ice palace for one!' 'Get out Anna!' Pew! Pew! 'My heart!' 'Only an act of true love can save you.' 'Here's a true love's kiss...' 'You're not worth it, guess what? I'm the bad guy!' And Anna freezes to death, forever. Then she unfreezes! Elsa gets married and has two kids, Anna has twins with Kristoff and they live happily ever after! King Beast unites all the kingdom and declares it the United States of Auradon. He gathered up all the bad guys and kicked them off to an island to live the rest of their days. Petty soon everyone had kids and it wasn't until Prince Ben decided to let some kids of villains out. Long story short, those kids wanted to steal Fairy Godmother's wand but didn't end up doing it, Maleficent came for it and went full Dragon mode and Elira helped take her down and all was right with Auradon. Oh, and then, Elsa and Elira woke up the magical spirits, and we were forced out from our kingdom. Now our only hope is to find the truth about the past, but we don't have a clue how to do that. Except Elsa and Elira are hearing voices, so we got that going for us. Any questions?" I sighed, my forehead falling into my open palm as Olaf lept to us again. "I think they got it." I lifted a hand and called all the ice back to me, dispelling it.

"Are you really Queen of Arendelle?" The Lieutenant asked.

"I am." Elsa told him.

"Why would Nature reward people of Arendelle with Magic?" Yelena questioned, walking back to her people.

"Perhaps to make up the actions of your people." The Lieutenant retorted.

"My people are innocent. We would have never attacked first!"

"May the truth be found." The Lieutenant turned to Aunt Anna who was inspecting him like a photo. "Hi...I'm sor-uh...what is happening?"

"That's it!" Aunt Anna declared. "Lieutenant Mattias! Library, second portrait on the left. You were our father's official guard."

"Agnarr..." Mattias trailed off. "What did happen to your parents?" He asked, glancing between Mother and Aunt Anna.

"Our parents' shop went down in the southern sea twenty-six years ago." Mattias sighed.

"I see him." He admitted. "I see him in your faces." He turned to his troop. "Soldiers. We may be getting on in years, but we're still strong." The soldiers created a barrier between the Northuldra and Mother and Aunt Anna. "Proud to serve Arendelle." The Northuldra took a step back.

"Please, wait." I protested, stepping forward. I turned to Yelena. "Someone has called my Mother and I to this forest. All we're doing is searching for them. We believe that they hold the answers that can help us free the forest. Please." I clasped my hands together in a pleading gesture. "All we wish to do is help."

"We only trust nature." Yelena argued. "When nature speaks-" Yelena was cut off by a tree spontaneously combusting next to us. "We listen."

"This will all make sense when I'm older." Olaf muttered.

"Fire Spirit!" Someone shouted as the flames literally lept to another tree. The Fire seemed to scamper across the leafy floor and up a tree, jumping from branch to branch.

"Mother, you put out as much of the fire as you can!" I shouted, shooting ice out of my hands to quell the flames nearest to me. "I'll go after the Spirit!"

"Be careful!" Mother called to me as I followed the fleeing creature through the woods, icing any fires it created. I was hot on it's tail, dousing fires within a village it had lead me to. I soon had it cornered, the fire sputtering uselessly between the walls of a curved rock. I approached it slowly, kneeling down to try not to startle it. It spotted me and I finally got a good look at it. It seemed to be a small salamander, with purple skin and pink fire forming a line down it's back. It spotted me and grunted angrily, sending a ball of flames past my head and ignited a tree behind me. Without looking, I waved my hand and put the fire out. The creature grunted quizzically, tilting it's head. I followed the action. It took a couple cautious steps forward, and I laid my hand down on the leaves. The Salamander scurried onto my palm.

"Oh, hot, hot." I hissed, quickly transferring the salamander in between my hands. The Salamander gave me a toothless grin before spreading out on my palms, turning from purple to blue. He had a distinct purple mark on his back. "You like that, don't you?" I swirled my hands over the Fire Spirit, crating snowflakes that he gobbled up happily. "You're sweet, aren't you? You need a name. How about...Bruni?" The spirit chattered happily as he danced on my palm. "Bruni it is." Bruni clambered to the side of my hand and looked behind me. I glanced at the gathered Northuldra and Arandellians. "They all think we're weird, don't they?" I asked, looking down at Bruni. "Know what to do about that?" Bruni tilted his head. "Anything?" Bruni stuck his tongue out and licked his eyeball. "Should I understand what you mean by that?" Ah, ah, ah ah... My head snapped up to the voice, and Bruni turned to it as well, chittering happily. "So you hear it too. I'm sure someone's calling us. Do you know who it is?" Bruni looked at me with a grin. "What do we do?" I watched as Bruni dove off my hands and scampered away. He stopped on a rock and turned back to me. "North? That's where we have to go?" Bruni danced a little in place before diving off the rock and out of sighed. I took a deep breath. I guess our journey's far from over.

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