The Coronation (Part 2)

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I stood in one of the many studies of Arendele Castle, gazing up at the portraits of my grandfather and mother on their coronation days. I smiled up at them. "Soon." I promised softly. "I'll be there too." I looked down, smoothing out my gown. In contrast to Mother's dress, mine was wearing a pale blue gown that trailed a little behind me, it had off-the-shoulder flutter sleeves. The dress had embroidered diamonds that resembled the Elemental Spirits. My hair was out, falling down my back. There was a gentle knock at the door. I turned to it. "Come in." The doors opened and Elias poked his head in.

"Hey." He greeted with a smile, stepping into the room. "I'm here to escort you to the cathedral." Elias was dressed in the Arendellian soldier's uniform. He didn't have any medals, but he looked nice.

"Look at you." I complimented, approaching my brother. I gently adjusted his uniform jacket and ruffled his hair. "So handsome."

"Dad's not coming." Elias admitted to me. My smile fell a little. "He's not happy that...well...that Mum stayed back in the Enchanted Forest and...I'm not becoming King."

"Well." I started. "I don't care. You'll be there, Kaylah and Aiden, Aunt Anna and Uncle Kristoff, Sven, Olaf, all the important people in my life." Elias nodded softly. He offered his arm to me, and I slipped my arm into his, and we headed towards the cathedral. The doors then opened, and the choir started to sing. Elias and I walked down the aisle to meet the bishop, and Elias then stood off to the side, watching me. The Bishop picked up a small, delicate crown, one that resembled the Arendelle crocus. I closed my eyes and bowed, allowing the Bishop to set it in my hair. As I straightened, he offered me the sceptre and orb that my Mother once held. I took a deep breath, taking both items in my hands and turned to the people who had gathered, who all stood.

"Sem hon heldr inum helgum eignum ok krýnd í þessum helga stað ek té fram fyrir yðr...Queen Elira of Arendelle." The Bishop announced.

"Queen Elira of Arendelle!" Everyone echoed. I smiled, setting the items down again. It was soon time for the festival. When Kai announced me, I was met with resounding cheers from the people. I greeted them warmly, and spotted Mattais talking with his longtime trust.

"Halima." I greeted with a smile. "General Mattias."

"Your Majesty." Matthias jumped a little. "I'll be back." He said to his companion. "You can look at our photograph while I'm gone." Halima chuckled and took it from him. "How am I doing?" He asked me as we walked away from him, arm in arm.

"You're doing wonderfully." I assured, patting Mattais' arm. We soon came to the covered statue, and together, we unveiled the two bronze visages of my grandparents. I felt a gentle wind blow around me and I smiled. "Gale." I said softly. "I'm glad you could make it. Do you mind delivering this to my Mother?" I offered Gale a small paper crane. The Wind Spirit seemed to trill happily, picking up the paper and flying off.

Being Queen certainly came with it's ups and downs, a lot more paperwork was put on my shoulders, but I was able to handle it with ease, thank the Spirits for the internship at Belle and Beast's Castle

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Being Queen certainly came with it's ups and downs, a lot more paperwork was put on my shoulders, but I was able to handle it with ease, thank the Spirits for the internship at Belle and Beast's Castle. Not only that, Elias was not only training to be a slider in the Arendellian Guard, Father's training allowed him to help with some things that overwhelmed me. Bruni had his own little spot in my office, sitting under a little snowfall on a pillar of ice in the corner of my room, which is where he was laying contently now. It was one inconspicuous day when I got a call that almost caused a second eternal winter. "Kai, can you get that for me please?" I asked as the phone rang, pushing a paper to the side as I read over another.

"Of course, your Majesty." Kai replied, stepping up and picking the phone off the receiver and holding it to his ear. "Her Majesty Queen Elira's office, how may I help you?... Who is this?... No, Her Majesty is busy..."

"Who is it, Kai?"

"It's a boy named Carlos, your Majesty." I lifted my head from the paperwork on my desk, setting my pen aside.

"Hand me the phone please." Kai deposited the phone in my hand. I tossed my hair back slightly putting the phone to my ear, "Carlos?"

"Elira!" Carlos gasped from the other end, "It's actually you, thank the Gods, you need to come back to Auradon, now."

"Carlos, I can't just drop everything and leave-"

"Elira...Ben's been captured." I was dimly aware of the frost that instantly covered my desk and the floor surrounding my chair. Kai yelped slightly and jumped back and Bruni squealed a little as he was covered in frost.


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