Family Day

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"Yes, Mr Deley." I said, walking into the classroom. I held my notebook tight under my arm, my ice blue blazer tight against my arms. My white dress was ruffled as I was running around, and due to that I was wearing pale blue flats.

"Ah, yes, Elira." Mr Deley greeted, turning to me. In his hand, he held a small, ornate hand mirror. "Evie has been using this for her schoolwork throughout the year. It would be my recommendation that she is expelled."

"Mister Deley, I-" Evie started.

"But that isn't fair!" Doug interrupted, scrambling to his feet, "Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that...whatever-it-is."

"It's called a Magic-"

"You're not helping, stop. Maybe she needed another pencil."

"Actually, I was-"

"Really, don't help." Doug turned to me. "Please." Doug pleaded.

"Please...?" Evie echoed.

"Elira?" Mr Deley questioned.

"Well, I think that Evie can pass this test." I suggested. "If she can, return her property and we won't tell FG about this, sounds good?" Mr Deley and Evie nodded. I smiled softly, turning and walking away. I later found out that Evie did pass the test with flying colours.

 I later found out that Evie did pass the test with flying colours

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Ah, Family Day. A day where everyone's parents come together to celebrate...something...I'm not exactly sure but I don't really care. Formal event meant formal attire, Royal etiquette drilled into me since I was four really pays off. I dressed in a white, floor-length gown with a slit up my left side that reached the middle of my thigh, and matching white, strappy heels. I had my hair out, curled slightly and parted to the left so my hair fell on my right shoulder, pinned there by a flower-like hairpiece embezzled with blue gems. I stood next to King Beast and Queen Belle as we watched Ben and the Auradon Prep Choir perform.

Ben -

Ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride

and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight.

And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a

chair as the dining room proudly presents

Your dinner!

Everyone -

Be our guest! Be our guest!

Put our service to the test

Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie

And we'll provide the rest

Soup du jour

Hot hors d'oeuvres

Why, we only live to serve

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