The Royal Proclamation

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Crown Prince Benjamin of Auradon was getting fitted for his coronation suit, the Royal Tailor taking measurements and jotting down the measurements. Next to him, a blonde was writing in her own binder. This girl was dressed in a knee-length white sundress with a v-neck, matching heels and an ice blue blazer with the Auradonian Royal Crest embroidered into it's left breast pocket. Her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail with a few strands framing her face. "So, after this, you have the rehearsal for the Coronation." The blonde reported, crossing off 'suit fitting' from the list of things Ben had to do.

"Hmm?" Ben replied, turning his head from gazing out of the window. "Oh, thanks Elira."

"How is it possible you're going to be crowned King next month, you're just a baby!" A voice echoed throughout the room. All occupants turned to see Ben's parents, King Beast and Queen Belle waltz into the room, their arms linked. King Beast was the one who spoke.

"He's turning sixteen dear," His wife reminded him,

"Hey pops," Ben greeted.

"Your Majesties." Elira dipped into a curtsey, bowing her head.

"Sixteen, it's far too young to be crowned King," Beast explained, as he took off his glasses, sliding them into the pocket on the inside of his blazer. Elira straightened. "I didn't make a good decision until I was, 42." He stated. Belle then turned on him.

"Uh, you decided to marry me at 28." She reminded him again.

"Well, it was either you or a teapot." Beast winked at Ben, causing the young boy to laugh lightly as Belle rolled her eyes, "Kidding."

"Mum, Dad," Ben started, as he tried to get off the podium he was standing on while getting measured, but the tailor, as well as an icy glare from Elira, held him back, "I've chosen my first official proclamation," His parents shared a happy look, their son was growing up, "I've decided, that the children on the Isle Of The Lost be given a chance, to live here in Auradon." He stated. Bell dropped the shirt she was holding, as both of his parent's mouths dropped open. Elira's eyebrows pinched together in confusion. She turned to the Royal Couple, who had turned to her questioningly. Elira shrugged helplessly. "Every time I look out to the island I feel like they have been abandoned." Ben continued, walking off the podium despite the tailor's protest.

"The children of our sworn enemies, living among us?" Beast clarified, pointing out the window at the Isle.

"We start off with a few at first, only the ones who need our help the most." Belle nodded in understanding. "I've already chosen them." Ben continued with a smile.

"Have you?" Beast asked, stepping towards his son. Belle placed a hand on her husband's shoulder,

"I gave you a second chance." Belle told him. She then turned to Ben, "Who are their parents?" She asked.

"Cruella De Vil, Jafar, Evil Queen...and Maleficent." The tailor yelped and dropped his notepad. Elira jumped at the name, her powers flaring and freezing one of the curtains in Ben's room

"MALEFICENT!" Beast shouted, "She is the worst villain in the land!" He ranted.

"Dad, just hear me out here-"

"I won't hear of it." The tailor bowed and quickly exited the room. Elira was frozen in place, her hands clutching her frosted over binder. "They are guilty of unspeakable crimes!"

"Dad, their children are innocent. Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?" Ben asked, "Dad...?"

"I suppose, the children are innocent." Beast replied after a few moments of silence, he started to walk towards the door out of the bedroom. Belle walked up to her son and straightened his jacket.

"Well done." She complemented her son, not many people could argue with Beast and win. Belle then walked back to her husband, "Shall we." Belle took her husband's arm and they walked out of the room.

"Are you sure, Ben?" Elira asked, stepping towards the prince. Ben nodded, eying the Isle as he messed with the ring around his finger.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." Ben told her. Elira sighed, turning her gaze to the notepad in her hands, which had defrosted after the initial shock of Ben's decision.

"Well then." Elira scrawled something into her binder before snapping it shut, "Prepare for the Isle kids to attend Auradon Prep. I'll get on it as soon as I can."

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