Amended Slights

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The next thing I remember, was feeling warm for a split second, before the floor disappeared under my feet and I crashed into the ocean. I felt a presence wrap around me and I saw the Nokk. I reached out to it, and the Spirit pressed it's muzzle into my hand. Please, Nokk I pleaded in my mind, hoping it would hear me. Let me save my Mother, take me to Arendelle Nokk nickered, and turned so it's back was facing me. I smiled, and swam forward, creating an icy pair of reigns to keep myself situated on it's back as the Nokk moved. I grabbed Mother's arm and pulled her behind me, wrapping her arm around me to keep her close. We rode the waves, the frothy waters underneath the Nokk's hives as it rode us down the large wave. I saw Arendelle in the distance. As we neared it, had Nokk move toward the rocky outcropping of the Castle so I could put Mother down. "Elira!" Mother shouted. "No!" I turned Nokk around and lifted my hands. Nokk reared back as I created a massive icy wall, blocking the waves from reaching Arendelle. When Nokk landed back on it's hoves, the ice broke, and the water retreated, returning back to still waters. "Elira..." Mother trailed off. "You did it."

"Come on." I said, offering my hand to her. "We have to let our family know we're not dead." Mother chuckled, and grasped my hand. I pulled her up onto Nokk and we rode back toward the Enchanted Forest. We let Nokk lead us back toward the shore, and it stopped on the black sand beach...where Aunt Anna was waiting for us. Mother and I dismounted, Nokk bowing and fading into the water once we were on dry land.

"Is it really you?" Aunt Anna breathed. Mother opened her arms.

"Anna." She said. My Aunt raced up to us and threw her arms around us in a tight hug.

"I thought I lost you." Aunt Anna sobbed.

"Lost us?" I asked softly. "Aunty...Aunty you saved us."

"I did?"

"Arendelle did not fall." Mother told her.

"It didn't?"

"The Spirits all agreed, Arendelle deserves to stand..." Mother turned to me. "With Elira..."

"Wait, me?" I asked softly.

"You were willing to risk your life to do what was needed to protect the Kingdom."

"Did you find the Fifth Spirit?" Aunt Anna asked. Mother nodded with a small smile. "You are the Fifth Spirit. You're the bridge."

"Well, actually, A bridge has two sides." Mother said, taking my hands. I looked up at her, "A Mother and Daughter." Mother laced our fingers together. "We will bridge the gap."

"'re not coming back to Arendelle, are you?" I asked. Mother shook her head.

"You're ready now, Elira, you have been for a while now. Selfishly, I didn't want you to take on the burden I had to at your age." Tears formed in my eyes.

"Elsa! Elira!" A voice called. Turning, we saw Uncle Kristoff running up to us. "You're ok!" Much like Aunt Anna, he hugged us tight, lifting us off our feet. Sven bayed happily when he saw us, cuddling up to me. "You look different...did you two cut your hair or something?"

"...Or something." I repeated with a small chuckle.

"Anna?" Mother wondered, turning to her. "I need to ask you a question."

"Ok...?" Aunt Anna trailed off.

"Did you wanna build a snowman?"

"What?" Mother closed her eyes, and saw snow flying towards us, swirling around before Mother opened her eyes and started to form it.

"Thank goodness, water has memory." Mother swirled her hands and created the familiar snowman that I had grown up with. Aunt Anna quickly placed the stick arms in his sides and coal buttons up his body. She stuck the twigs in for his hair and settled his carrot nose into place just before Olaf opened his eyes.

"Anna?" He trailed off. "Elsa? Elira! Kristoff and Sven! You all came back!" We all stepped forward and wrapped Olaf in a tight hug. "I love happy endings! I mean I presume we're done." Olaf ambled up to me. "Or is this 'putting us in mortal danger' situation gonna be, a regular thing?"

"I think we're done." I siad.

"Actually..there is one more thing." Uncle Kristoff started...before he sunk to one knee. "Anna...You are the most extraordinary person I've ever known. I love you with all I am." Uncle Kristoff pulled a ring from his inside pocket, offering it to Aunt Anna. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Aunt Anna sobbed, throwing herself into his arms. Uncle Kristoff stood and spun Aunt Anna round before they shared a gentle kiss. A shadow fell over us, and the Rock Giants stared down at us. I smiled softly, approaching them as they lent down. I set my had on one of their noses.

"Thank you." I told them softly. "For all you've done." The Rock Giant grumbled. We had a lot to get done now that the world was in balance once more. 

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