Welcome to Auradon

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Today was the day. The Isle Kids were arriving at Auradon Prep. And as Ben's royal adviser, I was to help greet them alongside him, Audrey and Fairy Godmother. After a final check of the rooms for all of the VK's that were arriving, and a quick once over of my outfit, I made my way to the front of the school. I was dressed in an ice blue, short-sleeved dress that reached my knees, but the skirt stuck out a little bit, with matching blue heels. My hair was pinned back, out of my face. "Everything is set for the Isle Kids." I said, stepping up next to Fairy Godmother. "Their rooms are cleaned and their school supplies have been added to the rooms."

"Thank you, Elira." Fairy Godmother said with a kind smile, which I returned. "Oh, look, here they come now." The Band started to play as a limo rounded the corner. I smiled as the limo came to a stop in front of us. My smile fell when two boys tumbled out of the car, each tugging on the end of a posh scarf. One was significantly smaller than the other, with black and white hair wearing red and black. Carlos, Cruella's son no doubt. The other had long hair covered by a beanie and was wearing yellow and red. Jay, Jafar's son.

"You got everything else, why do you want whatever-this-is!" The white-haired boy screeched as the band came to an abrupt stop,

"Because you want it!" The long-haired boy replied, still pulling. As we approached the limo, two girls then exited the limo. One had blue hair, and held herself like a princess, I could only assume she was Evie, the daughter of the Evil Queen. The other had short purple hair and was dressed in purple and green leather. Maleficent's daughter, Mal.

"Guys, guys, we have an audience!" She said through gritted teeth. Jay spat out a candy he was holding in his teeth.

"Just cleaning up!" He said, looking at the people as he pulled Carlos to his feet.

"Leave it like you found it~!" Fairy Godmother sang, "And by that I mean just leave it." She said seriously. Jay grabbed everything from the limo and threw it back in. He then noticed Audrey and me. He approached us with a playful smirk.

"Hello foxy ladies." He said flirtatiously, "The name's, Jay." Audrey laughed for a second then stopped.

"I'm flattered, but unfortunately you're not my type." I told him.

"Welcome to Auradon prep." Fairy Godmother said, putting her head between us, "I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress." She gave a little curtsy as Jay stepped back.

"The Fairy Godmother!" Mal said, surprised, "As in, Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo?" She asked, waving her hand around like she was waving a wand.

"Bibbidi-Bobbidi-you-know-it." She said with a smile.

"Yeah you know, I've always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared, out of nowhere with the sparkly wand, and warm smile. And that sparkly wand!"

"That was a long time ago, and as I always say, don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future!" Fairy Godmother waved her hands in front of her face to indicate magic. Ben, Audrey and I stepped forward.

"It's so good to finally meet you all." Ben said with a smile, "I'm Ben-"

"Prince Benjamin." Audrey interrupted, "Soon to be king."

"You had me at 'Prince'" Evie sighed, "My mum's a Queen, which makes me a Princess." She stepped up and curtsied.

"The Evil Queen has no royal status here." Audrey said, "And neither do you." The girl stood up straight and glared daggers at her, stepping backwards.

"This is Audrey." Ben said awkwardly, gesturing to the pink-clad girl beside him.

"Princess Audrey." She corrected, "His girlfriend." Audrey grabbed his hand possessively, tucked her chin and gave a smile. "Right Bennyboo?" Ben gave a short laugh.

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