Spirit of Water

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Mother and I treaked through the forest, following the voice North, past the thinning trees and onto the pebbled beach as the sky turned dark. Heavy waves crashed on the shoreline, spraying my face with seawater. Mother and I shared a look. She took off her coat and boots, prompting me to do the same. I was left in my black pants and a workout bra...hey, to quote my Mother, the cold never bothered me. We backed away from the shore, and mentally prepared ourselves. We raced to the water, ice appearing at out feet as we ran. A wave crashed over us and knocked us back to the shore. The next time we tried, we got a little father, climbing onto an outcropping of rock and jumping into the waves from there. Mother tried to create a bridge for us to run across, but the waves toppled that into the water. I gasped in a breath, and looked around, only to be met with the glowing eyes...of a horse. It disappeared, and I swam to the surface, seeing Mother a bit away. I swam up to her. "Did you see that?" I asked.

"The horse? Yes." She replied. She created a small ice patch for us to climb onto, but it was knocked away. The waves crashed into us as if the horse was controlling them. At one point, it shoved it's hooves into Mother and was pushing her down to drown her. I swam after them, grabbing the horse around it's neck and covering it in ice. The ice broke, and the horse disappeared. Mother and I swam back to the surface, gasping in the chilled air once our heads broke the water. We were then thrown into the air, the horse ramming into us. The horse eventually grabbed Mother and I by our wrists and was dragging us through the waves. Mother created a lead and threw it around the horse's muzzle and hauled herself up onto it. She offered a hand down to me, and I grabbed it, pulling myself behind her. I gripped Mother's waist tight to keep myself steady as the horse bucked and tried to throw us off, but Mother kept her grip, and eventually, the horse was tamed, evening out and letting mother lead it through the waters.

"Thank you, Nokk." I said gratefully, gently patting the horse's neck from behind Mother. The horse, Nokk, nickered, as if surprised by my use of his name. The Northuldra had told me before we had left, and I thought it was respectable to call the Spirit by it's true name. In the distance, we could see an island, covered in ice and snow.

"Of course." Mother muttered, "Glaciers are rivers of ice."

"There's Ahtohallan...it's frozen." I breathed. "It's real..." Ah, ah, ah ah...

"We can hear you...we're coming."

Elsa -

Every inch of us is trembling

But not from the cold

Something is familiar

Like a dream, we can reach but not quite hold

Elira -

We can sense you there

Like a friend we've always known

We're arriving

And it feels like we are home

Elsa -

I have always been a fortress

Cold secrets deep inside

Elira -

You have secrets, too

But you don't have to hide

Elsa and Elira -

Show yourself

I'm dying to meet you

Show yourself

It's your turn

Are you the one we've been looking for

All of our lives?

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