<Chapter Thirteen: Bandaids>

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"so Junnie..what happened?"

It was 9 am and yeonjun sat there staring at the white walls of their dining room as though it is the most interesting thing in the world. The taller sat across him as he placed both of their breakfasts - bacons and sunny side up eggs onto the table.

After the encounter with his dad, last night, Yeonjun had fallen asleep after tending his own wounds and bruises without putting much thoughts on how to respond to soobin's questions the next day. The older boy was so exhausted that he didn't even notice when the younger climbed onto the bed next to him.

Despite coming home super late and drunk, the younger of the two still woke up early to make them breakfast. Perhaps, the state of yeonjun's figure made he realized the older won't be able to get up and cook him soup as the usual.

Cheeks swollen, band-aids under the right eye and nose bridge, lips with the hints of dried blood and a leg wrapped with some bandage, not to mention the limping slow movements as yeonjun tried to drag his body across the living room to the dining table. Yep, what a sight for his lover to see.

Soobin gave him a look, demanding yet tender.

"It's nothing really.."

Yeonjun could only lick his chapped lips. Throat already went dry. He mind appeared quite blank in this moment.

The blue haired boy sighed and let out his hand to touch the latter's face making yeonjun flinched at the contact. But it was warm- soobin's touch was always comforting. To his dismay, the contact was lost too soon.

What would soobin be thinking right now? Does he hate him now? Annoyed? Angry? Disappointed?

"It doesn't seem like nothing to me yeonjun"

Shit. He's using his full name now.

Fear and panic clouded in yeonjun's eyes immediately and as though the taller boy read his emotions, he reached out again to gently rub the older's swollen cheek- as though he's trying to lessen the pain.

"I am not going to be mad or anything junnie. Tell me what is going on"

Do i tell? 

"It's just a fight with random kids on the street, it's nothing really."

Soobin very much looked unconvinced.

"And why would they fight you? " he raised an eyebrow.

"They..they said i look like a girl and that i should try to look like a real man and proceeds to just yea throw punches at me.."

"And how did you escape?"

"A police officer came so they ran off and left me"

Yeonjun doesn't even know if his lies are making sense at all. At this point he is just babbling what comes to his head. Soobin sighed again and yeonjun nervously bites his already swollen lips. He just wished the other boy could drop the topic already. After a moment of fragile silence with none of them touching their breakfasts, Soobin spoke again.

"Are the scars on your chest also caused by those random kids??"

That caught yeonjun off-guard as he frowned to think of the next excuse.

"no soobin i-"

"Stop lying to me Yeonjun. Tell me what is happening ?? Is the boss at the bar abusing you?? Or anyone at school?"

Soobin's voice is now louder- seemed to disturb the peacefulness of the calm morning. Yeonjun grimaced at that.

"No one is abusing me, binne. Can you please drop it already ? our breakfast is going col-"


Soobin is now looking irritated as he glared at him.

He is angry at him now. He made him. It's his fault.

"Why are you asking me now Soobin? You always pretended to not see my scars for all these months?? Why can't you just pretend to not notice this too?"

For the first time, yeonjun questioned but the strong gaze from the other boy still made him cower. Soobin let out a frustrated groan at what was said.

"I thought they were from just normal fights from your past. Now that you are sitting in front of me with all these bruises and bandages, i don't believe they are just from normal fights anymore. Now tell me the truth "

Should he just lay it out now?

Yeonjun took a deep breath as he dared his eyes to dart back at his lover.

"I- It was my own father, Soobin"

The other's eyes widened as he continued.

"My parents are not living overseas at all. My mom passed away when i was 10 and i have been living with my dad since then. But he changed soon enough. Started getting violent as time went by. I do have an aunt living in overseas though. She is the one who is currently supporting my tuition fees. "

"So when you offered me to moved in with you, i was very happy. I was able to get away from my abusive dad after years after all. But yesterday, he saw me when i was buying groceries and started assaulting me in the middle of the crowded room. And i managed to ran away so yea.." the pink haired boy finished.

Laying out the topic was not as hard as yeonjun expected. Soobin remained silent, seeming to be doing a poor job absorbing the new information in, but unknown emotions can be seen flickering in his dark eyes when he glanced at the pinked haired boy.

"I am sorry i lied soobin... i thought..i thought you would be disgusted? i don't know ...burdened with me? when you know about that.."

Decking his head down in shame, the older boy nervously waited for the reaction of the other boy.

"I see"

Soobin finally responded, tone flat .

" I didn't know ..... Do i look like someone who would judge you, yeonjun? "

Hurt, just plain hurt in his voice. The taller's gaze does not linger on the pink haired boy anymore and instead stared down at the food. Yeonjun panicked again.

"No - soobin i didn't mean it like that "

"No it's fine. Sorry though, i will make sure to fetch you every time now"

Color drained from yeonjun's face as the cold tone of his lover penetrated the warmth of the morning. Before he could utter anything else, Soobin had already gotten up from his seat.

"Where are you going?"

Please stay..

Yeonjun wanted to cry.

"I need some fresh air. Finish your breakfast and rest again"

Again with the cold tone and Yeonjun stiffly froze in his place.

Once again, the boy was left with some cold food on the table, almost like a deja vu.

The morning glaze of the sun was pretty much glaring down through the kitchen's window but yeonjun couldn't feel the warmth anymore, not when his source of warmth is gone.

If only bandaids could be good for heartaches too...

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