<Chapter Fifteen: Goes to waste>

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Soft, high pitched sounds of the little birds could be heard, echoing in the small space of the kitchen. Yeonjun was practically lost in thoughts. The boy was feeling tired for no particular reason but his body was getting dragged without much control from his limps by the energetic lady who was now pulling out random things from the grocery bags.

Yeonjun wasn't paying much attention when the lady asked her son to ran some errands and the blue haired boy had gone out in a blink. Now he was left with the mother- wearing an excited look, bright eyes, doing whatever she was doing. Yeonjun just wanted to take a nap.

"We are going to bake some cookies!"


Yeonjun didn't react and instead stared at the woman lamely.

"It's the cookies that Soobin especially loves! Panda shaped cookies" she continued.

Oh okay..

Yeonjun continued to sat still in a daze. Lady choi didn't seem to mind his groggy state but she still attempted to drag him to the counter, already loaded with baking ingredients. The energetic woman proceeded on measuring flour ratios, then creaming it with butter and sugar.

"Now, we are going to add the eggs and beat them all together. This will moisture the air pockets and add flavor to the dough" she added softly as she concentrated on the glass bowl.

Yeonjun couldn't help but followed every movement of the woman. Slowly but certainly the pink haired boy gets more interested while the woman explained the processes whole heartedly.

Is this how it feels like to have a mom? he thought.

The boy had never baked cookies or much less done anything much with his mom,  if he could recall the young memories. This is just another brand new experience and he was starting to enjoy it.

Soon, yeonjun found himself willingly adding nuts and chocolate chips into the thickened batter together with the older woman. His lips curved up at random times whenever he managed to follow what the woman was guiding patiently.

A slow, comfortable time passes with both of them trying to shape the cookies with the shape cutter and lastly putting the product into the oven. If they tasted great, yeonjun could even bake more for soobin in the future- the thrill of the new skill he acquired was amazing.

While they wait for the cookies to turn golden, the bubbly woman chattered about how soobin was once also a bubbly kid too. Bright eyes, free spirit and full of energy.

Oh just like when he is in parties?

A jolt of throbbing was felt when he realized that soobin had never let that side of him be shown to yeonjun whenever the two were alone. It wasn't that it was all boring and cold with soobin all the time- the pink haired boy did have his moments when the other directed smiles at him , joked at him, showed concerns for him. But it was always like they never reached to the full level of carefreeness. There was always a mask, a wall, a boundary between them. Soobin seemed to prohibit the older to reach there-  the deeper side, where yeonjun desperately wants to belong.

Maybe one day.  Yeonjun can wait, he will be patient, he's willing to.


The woman jumps with a little dance as she stepped to take out the steaming hot cookies from the microwave oven. A little hum could be heard as she gestured the pink head to take a look at them. Yeonjun was smiling- crescent eyes , as he slowly placed the freshly made cookies into the plate from the hot pan. Then there was the sound of the entrance door unlocking.

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