<Chapter Thirty One: Your Salvation>

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"Hello?" Soobin  whispered, voice low with uncertainty.

Is this the correct number???


The phone was hanged up.

Soobin blinks in a puzzlement for seconds before the realization hit him.

OH Yeonjun hanged up

He must have recognized the voice though it was merely audible..


Jessi had given the new contact number of her nephew to Soobin earlier and had literally begged the boy for help- though it was unneeded for her to forcefully invoke him about that, the tall boy would try to console the older boy anyways. 

The surgery was said to performing the next day and Soobin couldn't afford to waste his time getting upset at the older's action. He swiftly opens his messenger to deliver a text message. 

(New contact)

Hey, junni sorry : ( I didn't mean to bother you but please, can we talk?

Your aunt gave me your number..


A usual, the messages were seen but no replies came.

As hot headed he was, Soobin was not about to give up.

(New contact)


I promise not to annoy you but please pick up the call?..I am just really worried ..


Still no reply.

Soobin nervously bit onto his already torn bottom lip- he really didn't want to leave the other boy alone, not when he's in a quite vulnerable condition. And so the tall boy sat in discomposure, legs shaking in restlessness as he deduce ways to communicate with the pink haired boy. Somehow, amid of pending through his unsettled thoughts, his phone lit up unexpectedly. 

Soobin without a beat of pause, opened his notification. 

(New contact)

I can't take the call

I can't talk 

[attached image]

The photo was a selfie of yeonjun yet he wasn't the same yeonjun that soobin has memorized in the back on his mind.

The yeonjun in the photo was dressed in none other than those thin sheet of silky, white hospital outfit. The puffy cheeks that were once tinted in pink, now pale and shrunken, eyes that were once filled with untouchable life and love- no longer held the same energy, spiritless. His long hair has been cut shorter too, the messy tangles of faded pink now speckled with unmatched black roots.

Last but not least,  Soobin's most favorite part, the plump cherry lips - were sadly could not be seen due to the glass oxygen mask shrouding them from the view. 

Yeonjun despite his wretched state, seemed to have sneaked a smile for the photo- though it looked more like a pained grimace than a heartful beam. 

With a stinging ache, soobin returned back to messaging. 

The boy still needed to consider his texts cautiously though- one wrong move might trigger yeonjun's actions especially when the boy seemed to be a highly sensitive type though he didn't make it obvious -soobin has learnt from experience. 

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