Chapter 1

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I woke up to Ziggy's face right next to me which caused me to jump away from her. She laughed at how I got scared so easily

"Come on dipshit, the bus leaves in an hour and your future boyfriend will be getting on it" she joked while giving me the look and I just pinched her

"Get out my room you little fucker" I shouted and she walked out, still laughing. The future boyfriend she was talking about was the Sunnyvale perfect boy Nick Goode. He had been at camp nightwing for years, finally becoming a counsellor within the camp this year, I've like him for a few years but the camp and the football games between our two towns were the only time I could catch a glimpse of him. I knew that it was a stupid fantasy since we could never really be together because his family were meant to be pure and perfect and they would never consider having a shadysider within the family but my older twin, Ziggy, tried to cheer me up about it because she didn't want my normal chirpy but fierce spirit to be dampened by the shit situation and even though we both didn't really get on with Cindy anymore, me and Ziggy were always would be. I rolled out of bed, groaning as I stretched out, looking to see that my bag was already packed for camp. Deep down I was excited but not at the same time because Nick Goode was an exception from the other Sunnyvale individuals as the others were hateful towards us shadysider because they were that entitled. I stood up, pulling my curly hair back with a headband so it was out the way of my face. I then got changed into some shorts and a multi coloured striped t-shirt, pulling on my trainers *pic above* and running downstairs with my bag to see Ziggy eating some toast as she passed me the other half which I begin to eat. Cindy came down in her new polo shirt and some shorts, Ziggy rolled her eyes while I just stared ahead, none of us talking while we waited for the bus and then we saw the bus pull up down the street from our house. We started to grab our bags, running out the door and towards the bus. As soon as we got on the bus Cindy seeing her boyfriend, Tommy, quickly went to sit by him which made me and Ziggy roll our eyes as I followed her to the back of the bus but before I sat down, my arm was grabbed tightly by Gary, who also lived on shadyside and was obsessed with me

"Why don't you sit next to me?" He asked me while his grip got tighter and I just looked at him, Gary was always weird towards me because he knew I liked Nick but that didn't stop him from liking me. I glared at him, ripping my arm out of his grasp as I ignored him, walking to the back of the bus where Ziggy was. The bus started driving as I rubbed my arm, a red mark already forming from where Gary grabbed me. The bus stopped a few more times and then the final stop came along. I looked up to see the one person I was looking forward to seeing for these few weeks at camp, he and his brother walked onto the bus, being the only Sunnyvalers except Sheila on this bus out of the 2 buses that were sent for the kids, I hid my face as I looked at Ziggy and she gave me the knowing look, leaning into my ear so I could only hear what she said

"There's no need to hide because the only available seats are next to you and the creep little sis" she said and I looked up to see Will sit next to Gary as Sheila was in front of them, so then nick started to make his way towards me and Ziggy, I won't lie I started to freak like a child and I grabbed Ziggy's arm as he sat down next to me. I gave him a small smile while he  returned one but then saw my red arm and looked worried slightly so I hid it slightly as the bus started driving again. Throughout the bus ride, I talked to Ziggy while she as she kept on giving me the same look, glancing at Nick while I would glare at her but then the camp logo came into our vision. Gary turned around to me

"A few weeks for us to get it on Lizzy" he shouted while I glared at him

"Don't get a wet dream from dreaming so hard you fucking idiot" I shouted which made him go quiet and everyone else laugh. I also heard a chuckle from Nick which made me smile slightly more as people started to get off the bus, Ziggy pulled me off threw seat a bit too roughly which nearly made me face plant the floor with my bag on my shoulder until someone caught me as I was inches from the floor, my dads necklace dangling. The person pulled me back so I was standing up and I turned around to be face to face with Nick Goode. Ziggy was no where to be seen which gave me the impression that she did it on purpose

"Hey are you ok?" He asked while he still held me and we just looked into each other's eyes

"Yea just my twin a bit too excited to get off the bus for being on for a while" I explained and he nodded

"But thanks for helping me not face plant the floor" I said while giving a nervous laugh while he gave me a sweet smile

"Hey it's no problem, also if Gary does anything like that to you again or even bother you" he stated while grabbing my arm lightly, the redness worst then it was earlier. He rubbed over it lightly and then looked looked back up at me

"Let me know and I'll sort him" he said while letting me go, still looking into my eyes until he was fully off the bus

"Will do" I whispered, now being the only one on the bus. I walked off the bus, seeing Ziggy waiting for me with a smug look on her face

"I hate you" I mumbled as she laughed. We walked together to the to the notice board that put what cabin we were in, which was cabin 5

"Well at least I got you to talk to him after years of just looking at him" she explained while I smacked her arm

"That wasn't the way to do it zig. I could face planted the floor but than you for trying" I said and threw my bag on the bed, for some reason even though there were loads of beds, we were the only people in this cabin. I sat down on one of the other beds as Ziggy looked at me

"This is going to be a fun few weeks" I said as I saw Gary head towards the cabin

"Oh for fucks sake this boy just does not quit" Ziggy said as I threw my bag underneath the bed and then diving into the bathroom

"I'm not here Zig or I swear to fuck" I warned her as she nodded and I closed the door, leaving s gap so I could watch, she opened the cabin door to Gary she leaned against the door frame

"So where's your pretty sister?" He asked her as Ziggy crossed her arms

"I don't know, last time I saw her she was still on the bus with nick so ask him" she said, knowing what reaction he would get off Nick for asking about me. He huffed and turned away, Ziggy shutting the door and I came out as soon as he was out of sight. I came out the bathroom

"You're amazing zig" I said to her as I started to unpack again, like I was before the creep of camp interrupted us.

1372 words

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