Chapter 13

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*15th August 1990- outfit above*
I had been working at the high school for some years now. Jess had the baby which was a little girl, they named her Emilia Cindy Berman as they passed her into my arms as I adopted her like what was agreed but it didn't all go to plan like everything does in shadyside. Jess' parents found out and what they did was horrible, they killed Jess and blamed it all on Lucas who is now in a mental asylum because of it. They did try and get the child of me but luckily the court was in my favour and I got to keep the sweet baby. The whole situation killed me and Ziggy so what ended up happening was that I was raising Emilia with Ziggy for a lot longer than planned but I didn't mind, as long as she was safe. She had a small understanding of what happened but she saw me as her mother and the person I slept with, well it ended up being Nick Goode, Ziggy knew it was gonna happen eventually but not in this was. I walked into my office that I had outside the school for students who still needed support, Ziggy walked in as she was my 'receptionist' when I pulled s few strings from the school and a horrible date with the principal

"Well we have a strict mother outside with her daughter" she commented as I gave her a look

"Ziggy be nice" I said as I straightened myself up and walked out to greet this mother and daughter

"Hi, I'm miss Berman, how can I help?" I asked as the mother lightly shoved the girl forward which didn't sit right with me from the look on the girls face

"Yes I would like my daughter to be in 2 sessions a week" she demanded as I kept a smile on my face even though know got what Ziggy was on about as I looked at girl who mouthed 'sorry' I genuinely smiled at the girl and walked over to my timetable, passing the mom a copy with the other names removed

"What times would you prefer?" I asked her as she looked and then pointed at 2 times a Saturday at 3pm till 5pm and on a Wednesday at 1pm to 3pm. I nodded as I took the papers back, adjusting them slightly

"Will she be able to start today?" She asks and I nodded while looking at her

"Yes of course, if you'd like she can have an extra hour today, free of charge just so I can get to know her" I suggested which she rapidly nodded at, walking away

"Am I able to be Paying weekly?" She asked and I nodded

"Perfect" I said while she smiled and turned to her child as I added her name and times to my personal file

"I'll be back at 5 Samantha" she said and walked out and the girl looked up at me

"I'm sorry about her" she apologised and I shook my head

"Don't worry bout it, I've met a lot of her kind before" I commented while I led Samantha into a room where the chairs were set up and Samantha sat down and so did I, crossing my legs as I was more comfortable

"Ok darling I need your full name please" I started as she looked at me

"Samantha Fraser" She said and I nodded

"Ok and date of birth?" I asked her while looking down at my paper

"20th March 1978" she said and I froze slightly at the year bus shook it off

"So you're 12 years old?l I asked and she nodded so I placed down my notepad and looked at her

"Samantha" I started but she cut me off

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