Chapter 20

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I grabbed the bucket and put it in front of Deena who was holding the knife as she cut both hers and Emilia's hand and poured it in as we all watched

"They didn't even flinch" I said proudly as she smiled at me. I started to spray neon glow in the dark spray paint on the floor as Nick did the same, looking extremely happy while doing so which made me laugh slightly because he looked like a rebellious child. After I was done with the spray paint, I grabbed the rope along with Ziggy and started to tie them to the gates. She looked at me and gave me a look

"What is it dipshit?" I asked, confused as to why she was giving me the 'I saw you' look

"I saw you looking at his abs" she said and my eyes widened as my cheeks went red. I heard Deena laugh which let me know he definitely heard

"Ziggy, you're lucky I'm concentrating at this moment cause I'm gonna kill you when I'm done" I said as she laughed, sticking out her tongue while I gave her the finger. Once I was done I chased Ziggy, smacking her arm but then walking over with her to Deena, who had 7 water pistols. I put in the neon paint in while she stored and once it was the right consistency, we poured it in the water guns and then started to squirt lines to each of the stores that we had set up, Josh being the last one to insist where me, Deena and Emilia were, the extension cord in front of us

"Ok cut it!" She shouted as Ziggy opened the door

"Cut it!" She shouted as Martin and Nick were cutting off the power downstairs so al, the spray paint and blood lit up as we looked working as the bells by the door rung which meant someone was here. I grabbed Emilia and followed Deena and Josh to a hiding spot while I saw that Ziggy had grabbed Nick and Martin

"I don't see anyone" Deena whispered to me while I looked around, frantically

"I see Nick, Martin and Ziggy" Josh said and I nodded, smiling at how Ziggy was taking charge

"Hey, freeze! Freeze" a cop shouted at us as we put our hands up but I got in front of the kids

"I got 4 more over here!" He shouted to his partner

"Drop your weapons, Olivia you should know better" he said at us, looking disappointed at me

"Sir, sir just please let us explain" josh shouted as I wondered what the hell what he was gonna say

"Drop your weapon" he shouted again, completely ignoring Josh as they as we all did what he said

"Slide it to me" he said as we all did, I still protecting the kids

"You do know their water pistols?" I asked as kapinski glared at me

"You know you being Nick's fling won't save you this time" he said as I glared at him as he went to go grab me, Martin started screaming so he looked back at me and then ran off so I pushed Deena and Emilia towards where Sam was, I pulled Deena back to me slightly

"Nick will join you in a minute, he'll look after you if it goes to shit" I explained and she nodded and I kissed Emilia's head and then Deena dragged her along with her as I ran to the book store and waited for whatever killer I was gonna get. I heard gates starting to get shut and rattling when the killers were trapped and then I turned and saw him of course I got fucking Tommy I thought while he ran into the store. While he was distracted I started to pull the gate down but then it got stuck just before it shut

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