Chapter 8

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We managed to get all the kids that we had with us to mess hall. Ziggy had finally let go of me but still stuck close to me which was what I preferred, Gary was ringing the bell as more and more kids ran into the into the mess hall. Nick grabbed my hand to get my attention, I turned to him to see what he needed

"Can you help me count the kids?" He pleaded and I nodded, starting to count the kids I could see

"16, 17, 18" I counted as I tapped the kids shoulders including mine and Ziggy's when the lights went out causing the kids to scream as I looked around

"Everyone calm down" I shouted as I carried on counting

"Everything's alright" nick called out slightly calmer. I wasn't going to lie, deep down I was freaking out but I needed to stay strong for Ziggy and the kids

"How many" Gary asked Nick while I walked over to them, finishing my counting

"I got 23" I said as Nick nodded

"Same" He said, agreeing with me as he stood right next to me

"That's 30 missing at least" I said as I started to get annoyed how on earth do 30 kids not hear a bell or the commotion that happened 10 minutes ago

"What about Kurt? Joan?" Nick asked him while he walked over to the phone

"I don't know, I haven't seen them or Tommy or anyone, maybe they're looking for us?" Gary rambled while Nick tried the phone but no luck so he slammed it down and I walked up to him, holding his face so he'd look at me

"Nick love calm down" I said as he nodded, starting to calm down and we both walked back over to Gary and Ziggy

"We have to go, we have to warn people" Ziggy said and I agreed with her as we both walked towards the door

"Hey, Hey, hey" nick said, holding me back as Gary did the same with Ziggy

"But out sister, she's  still out there" me and Ziggy said together as we both looked at Nick

"What the sister you've hated since you were a baby?" He asked which made me glare at him as I tried to barge past him but he grabbed my waist, turning me back to him

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, me and Gary will go" he suggested while Gary looked at him in shock

"What?" He said now letting go of Ziggy, turning to us

"Just please stay here" Nick begged me but I shook my head, wanting to help

"I can't just sit-" I started but Nick soon cut me off

"I can't see you get hurt Lizzy" he diss which made the room quiet down as they looked at us

"Ok? Please, let me do my job, I'll find your sister just stay here ok?" He said while he looked at me, I just stayed quiet so he gave me a quick kiss and then walked away from me

"You" Nick said while pointing at Gary who followed him

"Hey you do realise she was mine right?" Gary asked him but nick ignored him, looking down at me one more time as he gave me a small smile which I returned. I took off my necklace and put it around him and he looked at me confused

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