Chapter 17

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I woke up late the next day to see Ziggy no longer in bed. I got up, not bothering to get changed from my jumper and joggers I was wearing *outfit above* . I walked into the kitchen and saw the TV was on

"More death in shadyside a drug-fuelled night if violence leaves a trail of bodies. Melissa, give us a recap" the female reporter said as I sighed lightly, knowing poor Deena was probably among them

"Killer capitol USA after a week of terror, shadyside continues to live up to its twisted nickname. Clad in a Halloween skull mask, shadyside high graduate Ryan Torres kicked off the days of terror with a massacre at the mall and now an already mourning community is plunged into horror yet again as the sheriff's department reports more carnage at east union medical, police believe the murders were fuelled by amphetamines, local teenagers Kate Schmidt and Simon Kalivoda are the primary suspects. The scene of the final carnage was the local grocery store. Sheriff Nick Goode found the Grab and Bag soaked in blood and broken dreams" the reporter said and I just looked at the TV

"She's alive?" Ziggy asked and I nodded being as shocked as she was. She walked over to the phone, looking through the phone book until she found the number she was looking for and dialled the number who was she calling?

"Hello?" I heard from the other end but couldn't figure out who the voice belonged to but Ziggy didn't answer at first

"Hello? Alright listen asshole don't call here-" the person carried on until Ziggy cut her off

"You're still alive" Ziggy said and then I figured out who the other person was Deena...

"Who is this?" Deena demanded while Ziggy rolled her eyes

"Mum?" Emilia called our and I shushed her quietly, pulling her into my arms as we both listened to the call

"You called us, wanted to know how me and Livy survived the camp nightwing massacre" Ziggy said, trying to be as strong as she could

"C and E Berman" we heard as Deena realised she she was talking to

"Did you touch the bones? Did you see her face?" Ziggy asked her as Emilia gripped onto me

"No it's over" Deena said and I held my hand out for the phone which Zig passed me

"Over Deena?" I asked, not believing

"Yea But thanks for both of yours prompt reply" Deena spat and I looked at Ziggy, folly my eyes

'It's not over. It's never over." I explained but Deena wasn't listening

"We ended it, we stopped the killers" she tried to assure me but it just put more dread through me

"But you haven't stopped her. You can't, she makes the rules" I explained as that's what me and Ziggy learnt the hard way

"Who?" Deena asked and I could tell that she was scared by the sound of her voice

"The witch, she'll do whatever it takes, you're not safe Deena. She'll find a way, she'll come for you" I explained as she was silent on the other hand but then I heard

"Sam" from Deena but then the phone dropped and the call was cut off and I put the phone back, slightly confused

"Weird. It cut off" I said but shrugged my shoulders. Suddenly the dinner clock went off and I jumped and Ziggy walked over and shut it off. I walked over to the fridge and got out the microwave meals and out them in after prepping them. Ziggy poured a Jack Daniels while I gave her a look, pouring water for me and Emilia. After the meals had been cooked, we sat eating the food in silence as we always did but then another alarm went off and Ziggy got up to sort it out and from the sounds of it, it was the locks alarm. Emilia stood up and I kissed her head

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