Chapter 18

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Deena and Josh tied up Sam in the bathroom while me, Ziggy and Emilia waited for them in the front room. They came out the room, Deena shutting the door behind her. Ziggy was messing around with clocks and Deena coughed intentionally to get her attention, to which he turned around and Josh smiled at us

"It's completely fine, she's tied up in the bathroom, so she's like, totally can't leave now, we're cool" he explained and Sam roared loudly which made us all look at the bathroom

"Yep. Cool" josh called as if telling Sam to shut the hell up. They turned back to us as I raised my eyebrows

"Cool. Cool" josh said trying to reassure me while I just turned to Ziggy, who now decided to take a seat

"Take a seat" she told them as they sat on the floor with Emilia while I sat on the couch and Ziggy the arm chair as I passed Ziggy her book that had everything in

"I'm shadyside, the past is never really past" I started as Ziggy started flicking through the book until she landed on the photo

"This was July 12th, the summer of 1978. The first day of camp" Ziggy carried on while looking at the photo that had me, Ziggy and Cindy in front of the camp nightwing sign

"A week later our sister was dead" I said as Ziggy threw down the photo so that all three of the kids could see it. She glanced at me and I nodded at her. She started to tell the story of what happened to us a week after camp started, I let Ziggy tell the whole story, even the parts that had me and Nick in while Emilia looked at me as only Ziggy knew what happened between us both at camp

"That was July 19th 1978. 5937 days ago. My older sisters were dead, I was dead and to be honest most days, if I didn't have Zig and Emilia, I would've wished I stayed dead" I explained as they turned to me

"Wait" josh said looking back at Ziggy briefly

"What you're Ziggy?l he asked, looking at me for confirmation to which I nodded

"Cindy, our sister. She sacrificed herself for nothing" I said as s tear fell down my face

"We told everyone the story of how she does. The story I just told you and only 2 people believed us" Ziggy said as Deena looked at me

"And Nick?" She asked while I sighed, crossing my legs as I looked down at her

"I thought he was different. I thought he would believe me straight away but Nick had a destiny in this town and he didn't become sheriff talking about ghost stories with the 'witch' of shadyside that you had a fling with" I explained as I started to get upset

"I tried not to see him but things keep pushing us back together" I said, being honest and wiping a few tears away

"The witch, the town curse. For one night, Cindy believed that there was a way to end it, so we thought there was too but now we both know, there is no end" Ziggy said in a monotone voice like she was in a trance until a alarm clock which made her snap out of it as I got up and slammed my hand down so it would shut off

"Like I said, your best chance is to run from this place. Go as far as you can, hope a bus doesn't hit you on the way out" Ziggy warned them and I knew that she was convinced that there was no chance that we could beat her

"We found the body" Deena blurted out as I stood up, looking at her as she stared at me

"Off highway 5 in the woods between shadyside and Sunnyvale" she said while my eyes widened and I whipped my head round to Ziggy as she looked just as shocked

"You're taking the piss, you found the body?" I asked and both her and josh nodded. Ziggy grabbed my arm so I would look at her

"It's not possible" she said, not believing them but I did because I trusted that Deena wouldn't lie to us, especially not about this when her girlfriends life was on the line

"Oh it's there. Trust us. The chains, the bones, the whole thing" Josh said trying to convince Ziggy

"That could be anyone" Ziggy argued as her guard was still up because we didn't really know these kids so how could we really trust them

"Why do you think our friends died? For the same reason they killed Alice, your sister. The killers came after us because we found something they didn't want us to find and I wish to god that it never happened, but we found it. We found what you were looking for in '78. We found Sarah Fier. Look please, we- Nurse Lane was right. We can end the curse by reuniting the hand with the body and we know where the body is, so all we need is the hand. What happened to camp nightwing? Is the hand bone still there? Is it still buried underneath the hanging tree?" She asked and I nodded, looking at her, remembering that we had left the hand there all those years back when Cindy threw it back down

"It's still there, camp nightwing was turned into the shadyside mall but they kept the tree up" I explained while Deena turned to me

"Is it they tree that's inside with the red moss around it?" She asked and I nodded

"That's the one" I said as Emilia stood up when Deena was about to leave

"Mom, can I go with them?" She asks and I looked at Ziggy who gave me a slight nod so I walked up to Deena, who watched me

"You protect her and if it goes tits up you came straight back here ok?" I said and Deena nodded, heading to her car with Josh and Emilia while me and Ziggy stayed behind with Sam, making sure she didn't break free and hurt anyone
1037 words

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