Chapter 12

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*a few month after the camp nightwing massacre- outfit above*
I walked into school to notice everyone staring at me, I looked down at my books, quickly wanting all the attention off me. Ziggy walked beside me as we both made it to our lockers. After everything that happened, me and Ziggy never went anywhere without each other again, it's too difficult knowing that Cindy is actually gone do I had decided from then on I wasn't gonna sit around anymore. I wasn't going to allow anyone suffer the grief alone like me and Ziggy had to and I was going to look after her until the day I die. I know Ziggy was taking this harder than I was. I put all my emotions down as best as I could, everything with Nick, the camp, everything. I walked up to my locker opening it and chucking the books I didn't need until later on. I shut the door to see Jessica Shelby, the nerdy girl of our school, walks up to us

"Hi" e said, looking at me and Ziggy while Ziggy gave me and unsure look as to whether she was taking the piss or not like everyone else had been for the past few months

"Hey?" I said, really unsure why we were having this conversation but she gave me a small smile

"I know you're probably think that I'm doing this as some joke but I'm not. People don't like me either I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened to your sister and I'm here if you know, need anything" she ranted while we both looked at her

"Ok, thank you, means a lot" Ziggy said quite coldly, giving her a fake smile. I gave her a look as Jessica went to walk away but I sighed, thinking of an idea cause she was like us, outcasts

"Hey jess" I called out, which made her turn around, a slight smile on her face because we gave her a nickname

"You don't have many friends do you?" I asked her and she shook her head

"More like none at all" she answered and I gave her a sad smile

"Wanna hang out with the 2 survivors of a witches curse?" I asked and her face lit up with happiness

"Yea that sounds good to me" she said as we both smiled at each other, her joining us as we walked down the hall, people staring at us as we walked to class

*a few years later - college time*
Well keeping my head down worked well. Me, Jess and Ziggy were still close and Jess was one of the only people to believe what really happened to our sister and then another person who believed us was Jess' boyfriend, Lucas Rogers. I was getting further through my course to get the job I was meaning to start a few months from now. I would be miss Elizabeth Berman, shadyside school counsellor as I mainly wanted to help teenagers. Ziggy managed to get a job so we could both move out of the family home. We both decided that we'd love together we she didn't want a boyfriend and the person that I wanted still lives in Sunnyvale and I hadn't seen since that night at camp. I walked to class to see a substitute which confused me slightly as my college teacher miss Davis was dedicated to her students, even if she was from shadyside. I walked down the steps, seeing Lucas sat in out usual spot. He wanted to be a teacher just like miss Davis

"Good morning sunshine" Lucas said, laughing when he saw my face and I just stuck my tongue out at him

"Shut your face" I said while sitting down next to him as the teacher shushed us, getting ready to talk

"Good morning students, I can normally a Sunnyvale teacher but since miss Davis isn't well and I hear you're all decent students, we thought we could merge the 2 classes together, so my class of police work are joining us and I'll just be supervising" he explained as the doors opened and the students walked in but I was grabbing my notebook out of my bag, minding my own business

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