Chapter 5

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Me and Nick came out of the wooded area and into the actual campsite. I rubbed underneath my nose, trying to get rid of the blood but not doing an amazing job

"Hey" Nick called out to me, jogging slightly slightly to join me me and I just looked at him

"You probably should have nurse Lane check that burn" he suggests but that's when my anger bubbles over again

"No I'm just gonna let it get infected and die to get out of this shithole" I commented while he grabbed my hand to make me face him

"And I don't even get a thank you?" He asked while I looked at him in disbelief

"You're taking the piss? No of course you aren't so thank you Mr King of Sunnyvale, future police chief Nick Goode for rescuing poor shadysider Lizzy Berman who you supposedly like back because I've cursed you" I ranted and he just looked at me. I started to walk away from him but he caught up with me again, throwing his arm around my shoulder and then grabbing my hand as we walked towards nurse Lane's office

"Why are you walking with me?" I asked him which caused him to look down at me as we passed Gary who looked hurt that I was walking with Nick

"I wanted to make sure you were safe because Yano I really care about you" he explained and I just nodded as we came close to nurse Lane's office

"Right this is where we separate love" Nick days and I nod, ignoring the nickname that he just called me. I looked up at him

"Bye Nick" I called as I went to walk in the office

"Lizzy" he called out as I turned to him. He quickly kissed my cheek before running off and a blush rose to my cheeks. I quickly turned around and walked into the office

"Nurse Lane? Hello?" I called out to her

"I'm in trouble help"I said but got no answer and she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I walked into her personal office to see that she wasn't there

"Nurse Lane come on I can die any minute now for multiple reasons" I called out but yet still nothing

"Nurse Lane?" I asked now slightly more worried that she still hadn't popped up. I then saw a book that had a lot of witch stuff in it which caused me to roll my eyes due to earlier events

"What are you doing?" I heard from behind me and I whipped round to see Nurse Lane standing there

"Oh my god Nurse Lane, you scared the shit out of me" I said while chucking but then I noticed that she really didn't look well which had me concerned as she was always kind to me and Ziggy when no one else was

"Are you ok?" I asked her, wanting to check while she shook her head while sniffing, looking unsure on what to say as I readjusted my headband which made her see the new burn on my arm

"Oh my goodness, Lizzy, Lizzy, Lizzy, what did we do now?" She asked as I looked from my burn to her, giving her a nervous laugh as this as this wasn't me being clumsy as fuck this time. She brought me over to a bed, bring a little jar with some type of jelly substance in it

"Ah ok, so you are going to apply this once a day for 3 days ok? It's going to protect against infection" she explained as she began to apply some on my arm

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