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It had been a few months from the night at the shadyside mall. Since then me and Emilia has moved in with Nick and I made the extremely dull looking house look a lot more better and more us. Emilia had decorated her own room with Josh because ever since that night, those two had been rally close and were best friends as me and Nick always took him home or took Emilia to his house. I was a lot happier now and it had been shown through my job because I now knew that the kids had nothing bad to worry about again and a plus was the principle left me alone once he saw that Nick and I were together. I was currently sat in my office at school, going through my paperwork and there was a knock on the door

"Come in" I called as the door opened and my boyfriend walked in. I smiled at him

"Well hello" I said, not expecting him till later and he took a coffee out from behind him and I sighed in relief

"Oh my god I actually love you" I said as I took the warm cup off him and saw it was from my favourite place Joey's. I smiled at him while he bent down to me as I gave him a light kiss and then started to sip on my drink as I sat down in my chair and Nick sat opposite me

"You haven't got any kids soon have you?" He asked and I shook my head. For once I actually had a free day since Deena, Josh or Emilia had already visited me today before their lessons

"No, I've got a free day as far as I'm aware, aren't you meant to be in the office?" I asked him while he looked extremely guilty which made me laugh

"I may have took another break today so I could come see you" he admitted and I slapped his arm lightly and gave him a smirk, I then clicked my fingers as I remember something and got up from my chair and into my cabinet. Since moving in with Nick, I've been able to see how recent he is with Stephen king but I noticed he hasn't got one that came out September called insomnia. I grabbed the bag I brought it in this morning and then placed it in his lap. He looked at me confused and then took the book out and looked at me excited

"I've been trying to get this but every time I go it was out of stock, how?" He asked and I gave him a smile

"Well it's a good thing I used to always go that I have special privileges to keep books on hold for me" I said as he stood up and kissed me as I giggled and kissed him back

"You know you're the best thing that's happened to me" he said as I playfully rolled my eyes at him and then his radio started going off and I actually rolled my eyes this time as he looked disappointed as he got up, putting the book in the bag and then walked up with me

"Walk me out?" He asked and I nodded, walking out the office and locking it behind me as I left my stuff in there

"What you got this time?" I asked him as we walked down the halls, unusually quiet for some reason

"A fight which is what we get most days in Sunnyvale" he said as we walked out the school and what I saw shocked me to say the least. In front of me, all the kids I've helped at some point, teachers, Ziggy, nurse Lane, Martin, Deena, Sam, Josh and Emilia and all of the police force were stood in front of me, shit eating grins on their faces, I then turned really confused as I turned to Nick but he wasn't stood above me like he normally was, he was actually kneeling in front of me and my jaw dropped which made them all laugh at my reaction

"What the hell?" I asked and he just laughed at me while he opened the black box in his hand to be faced with a beautiful ring and I put my hand over my mouth as happy tears sprung to my eyes

"I started to like you 18 years ago when I saw you at a football game that I was playing at, you were so beautiful and I knew that I wanted you to be mine, we've been through a lot and we weren't even together and I know I'm just waffling at this point but I know one thing, I will love you to the end of time and I want you to be my wife, so Elizabeth Iris Berman, will you do me the pleasure of becoming my wife?" He asked and I saw out the corner of my eye that everyone was anticipating a answer and I smiled at him, nodding

"Yes I'll be your wife" I said and everyone cheered loudly as he jumped up and picked me up off the floor and twirled me round as I laughed. He let me go and Emilia ran up to me and into our arms as she hugged us both and Nick kissed the top of her head as Deena, Josh, Martin and Sam came over and I hugged those three as well and Ziggy hugged Nick and then she hugged me

"Who would've thought that the Lizzy Berman  would get with Nick Goode" She said as we both hugged and when we let go, one of Nick's co workers coming over with a Polaroid camera which I recognised was Nick's and nick pulled me into his as we took a few photos and then we took photos with Ziggy and Amelia and then a big one with us four along with Sam, Martin, Deena and Josh I was officially and completely happy for once since 16 years as I now had my new family with me and nothing could tear us apart

1027 words

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