Chapter 4

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* July 19th 1978- outfit above*
After another few days of Ziggy causing havoc in the camp and causing her to get countless strikes, I had finally been pulled into one of the schemes as Sheila had accused not only Ziggy but also me of stealing 10 bucks from her cabin. I know for a fact that this one wasn't actually Ziggy's fault because the 10 bucks were actually mine that I gave Ziggy earlier today but since I defended Ziggy on the matter, I was also pulled into it so here we were, running through the woods of the camp trying to get away from Sheila and her gang. As much as the twigs scrapped me, it didn't hurt as much as Will Goode smacking me and Ziggy in the face which made us fall backwards, our noses bleeding. As we looked up we saw Sheila, Will and their gang there

"You're gonna hang witches" she said as they started to chant, dragging us up

"Before the witches final breath, she found a way to cheat her death, by cutting off her wicked hand, she kept her grip upon our land. She reached out beyond the grave to make good men her wicked slave, she'll take your blood, she'll take your head, she'll follow you until you're dead" they repeated this as they tied us up, then taking us to the hanging tree and pushed us on the floor, me and Ziggy groaning in pain as the rest laughed

"String them up" Sheila commanded Will and he did what she said as me and Ziggy started to yell

"No, no stop it, stop" but all we had back were giggles in response as we were strung up, our feet barely touching the floor

"Let us down fuckers" I called out as we faced them. I was beyond pissed at this point because that was my money that I saved from doing jobs down the street

"Let us down" Ziggy called out as we both pulled on the restraints. Sheila walked up to Ziggy, reaching into her pocket and taking out the 10 bucks

"Well well, what do we have here?" Sheila asked and I glared at her, wanting to hit her so badly as I felt my blood boil

"Goddam thieves" Will called out walking towards me but Sheila stopped him

"No, no this one is no thief, she's a witch" she said while pointing at me and I glared at her

"This one isn't a thief either, she's possessed by her sister, the witch, the only way to explain both their psycho behaviour" she explained, standing right in front of me with an extremely smug look

"Fuck you" Ziggy shouted as I hit her with my foot that I threw up which made her nose bleed too slightly and I laughed

"Guess were even now you entitled bitch" I said while I smirked at her, knowing that I'd caught her off guard

"You do know what they did to Sarah Fier right?" She asked me. I knew fully well but chose not to answer her question

"They hanged her on this very tree but she would've died forever if you do what you should to witches, you burn them" she explained while Ziggy looked at me concerned surely they wouldn't burn us would they? I know we all don't really get along but surely they wouldn't go that far?

"Give me your lighter" she demanded at Will with her hand out well I was very wrong then I thought as I looked st Ziggy and I realised I'm the one they called a witch- oh fuck

"What?" Will asked rightly confused which panicked me more

"Give it to me" Sheila screamed while walking forward, snatching it from his grasp

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