Chapter 14

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*October 1994- outfit above*

I woke up to my alarm blaring at me. I groaned and slapped my hand on the alarm to shut it off and swung myself out of bed. It was Friday which meant nearly the weekend which I was thankful for, I got up and got changed into my work clothes and walked out the room to see Emilia and Ziggy on the couch, eating cereal

"Emilia what have I told you about eating on the couch" I started as she just pointed at the TV that her and Ziggy's eyes were glued on. I turned to see a reporter talking to nick

"Shadyside, small-town America, but among locals, a history of horror has earned it another nickname 'killer capitol USA' and last night, tragedy struck again. I'm here with sheriff Nick Good. Sheriff what can you tell us?" The reporter said, batting her eyes at nick and I rolled my eyes, taking Emilia's bowl off her and into their kitchen

"She so wants to sleep with him, well bitch it ain't gonna happen" I shouted as I slammed the spoon in the sink

"Well moms jealous" Emilia said coming towards me, pulling me into a hug. Emilia reminded me more and more each day or her mother which made me smile. I pulled her into the front room so we could carry on watching

"Uh there were 7 victims, ages 16 to 42. The perpetrators also deceased" Nick explained and while Emilia was still listening, me and Ziggy looked at each other

"And I bet the person who murdered all those people had their poor name written on that wall" I muttered while I let go of Emilia and grabbing my car keys

"Come on kiddo, time for school" I said while Emilia groaned, going over to hug Ziggy

"Oh hell no, no using your auntie Ziggy as a excuse" I said as we all laughed and Emilia got in the car and I drove her to school

"Have you got to go to the game tonight?" Emilia asked and I nodded. She hated me being away because she didn't want me to end up like her biological mother

"I'm sorry kiddo, you know if I could, I would but because of last night I need to be there" I explained and she nodded, getting out of the car. I parked up and also got out the car and walked towards the counselling room but as soon as I got in, the creepy principal walked in

"Hey how can I help?" I asked with a fake smile and he gave me a genuine smile. We had gone on one date and now he was convinced we were together even though I didn't like him one bit

"You know tonight?" He asked and I nodded, praying he wasn't gonna either ask me to do a speech or for a date afterwards

"Well Mayor Goode and Sheriff  Nick Goode are doing speeches and during sheriff Goode's he mentioned he was going to say something about the school counsellor so I suggested that you stand with him for the speech?" He said and I just kept on smiling even though I was screaming inside

"Yea that's completely fine" I said through gritted teeth which made him smile and clap his hands together

"Perfect, you're amazing Elizabeth, I'll make it up to you one of the nights" he said and left my office and I gagged slightly, falling into my chair that rolled backwards

"For fuck sake, him? Out of all people him? Couldn't it have been his brother instead" I mumbled, rubbing my hands over my face when I heard a knock on the door and sat up slightly

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