Chapter 11

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We ran all the ah to the hanging tree, knowing that we didn't have much time left before all the killers came for Ziggy and I wasn't going to let that happen

"There it is, go, go" Cindy as the outline of the tree come into view and I felt a little bit of relief since we might be able to actually end this

"Here?" Ziggy asked and I nodded rapidly

"Yes here" I shouted, putting my shovel into the ground

"Dig, did" Cindy ordered as I tried to dig as quick as I could but then Ziggy looked up and stopped digging

"Lizzy? Cindy?"Ziggy called out and we both saw a little boy, better known as Billy Barker was coming towards us with a baseball bat

"Just keep digging" Cindy said as we all looked petrified because he was supposed to be dead from the 1920's

"Faster" I shouted as I saw Ruby coming from another direction. We kept on digging as we hit something solid with the shovels

"I hit something" Ziggy called out in slight relief as we reached in in to get out what was there but it was there but it was a rock

"The witch forever lives" I read out loud and closed my eyes the body isn't here, it probably never was fuck!

"The witch forever lives" Cindy and Ziggy repeated after me, confused on what it meant

"Lizzy what does it mean? Lizzy?" Ziggy asked me but I shook my head

"I'm not sure just the body isn't here. Either it was moved or never was here to begin with" I explained the best I could but Ziggy panicked and got angry

"Where is she? Where's the body?" She asked me and I shook my head, a tear falling down my face

"I don't know Ziggy" I said again because I genuinely didn't have the slightest  Luke where to even start looking for her body but Cindy grabbed us both, standing us up

"Come on this way" she said wanting to get to hurt us out of harms way. Cindy pulled us in the direction where Billy and Ruby couldn't reach us but we all screamed to see Tommy coming out of the darkness and we looked in all directions to see we were surrounded by killers. Cindy held onto me and Ziggy so we'd stay together

"What do you want, Sarah Fier?"she shouted at the killers then suddenly reaching down and grabbing the bony hand

"You want this? You can have it, just let me sister's live! Just let my sisters live!" She screamed but that didn't work so she dropped the hand, picking up the shovel instead as a weapon and then turned to Ziggy

"You bled on the bone. They're after you" she explained and I grabbed Ziggy's hand when Cindy turned to me

"Get ready to run and look after her" she said holding my cheek one last time as tears fell down my face and I nodded

"No, Cindy, no! No Cindy!" Ziggy protested but I started dragging her along

"Let's go" I screamed as Cindy pushed us one way running to Tommy. We both screamed as she hit him with the shovel but was hit back by him which caused her to fall on the floor

"Cindy" I screamed as we looked back

"No, no" Ziggy screamed and we both turned around  for Ziggy to be attacked by the milkman killer while I got Ruby. She shoved me on the floor while I screamed, Ruby cutting my stomach and also my arms with the razor blade

"Lizzy" Ziggy screamed while she was being stabbed and I tried to reach out for both my sister but they both were too far away. I spat out blood as Ruby started to stab my side over and over again and I was crying looking one side to see Cindy having an axe buried in her chest while the other side, Ziggy was getting stabbed in the side over and over. Ziggy looked at me while I looked over at Cindy who was looking at us both. I tried to reach out again but could quite reach out again but couldn't quite reach her but Ziggy reached me as we held hands

"Nothing will pull us all apart" Cindy gasped out as I coughed up more blood

"Never again" me and Ziggy gasped it as Cindy took her last breath, I then closed my eyes as I finally let myself fall into darkness, letting whatever was meant to happen, happen.

I woke up suddenly to Nick pressing on my chest and Ziggy was gripping my hand Ziggy was alive?

"Don't die on me, I'm not letting you die, not you, please Lizzy" nick repeated as I started to cough, taking sharp intakes of oxygen

"That's it, breathe Lizzy" he said as I turned my head to see Ziggy lying there, awake and breathing

"How are you alive?" I gasped out at her and she didn't say anything but just nodded towards Nick

"I brought her back like I did you" he explained and I just nodded, too tired to say anything. I gripped onto Ziggy's hand while nick held my waist until the paramedics arrived and he went straight over to the police. The paramedics lifted me and Ziggy onto stretchers, I tried to reach back out for her but they didn't allow it

"Hey what's your name? Look at me what's your name?" The paramedic asked while looking at me with a clipboard in his hands

"Lizzy" I answered while Nick came over and stood next to the paramedic

"It's Elizabeth. Her real name, it's Elizabeth Berman" nick answered while looking down at me

"Where's Cindy? My sister?" I asked the man as he gave me a sad smile and I looked in the direction where they were putting a sheet over her body. I felt tears fall down the side of my face. She was gone and here me and Ziggy was, separated from her again

"It was her" I told Nick once the paramedic walked away but he just looked down at me

"Sarah Fier, the witch. The curse, it's real nick. It wanted Ziggy" I said but he was pulled away but he just looked at me

"He doesn't believe me" I muttered while more tears fell. I was taken away in the ambulance with a broken body and a broken heart

1079 words

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