Chapter 3

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*a few days later*

It had been a few days after the incident that happened the first day with Gary. Nothing had really happened since then which was lucky for me but Nick decided to check on me every day at the time when we were having food, making sure nothing had happened between me and Gary and each time I reassured him that I was fine and that I can look after myself if no one was around. Because of all this interaction from Nick, Ziggy had been teasing me constantly about it every time he was around so I kept on telling her shut up because I was always cautious that Nick would hear us and what we were talking about. Me, Ziggy, Tommy And Cindy were at the archery range. Cindy and Tommy were with us because Cindy was giving Ziggy a warning about how Ziggy had let out the camp rabbits while I was still asleep this morning so she was getting her warning while Tommy and I were shooting arrows. Even though sometime Tommy could be boring but he was always nice to me so he wasn't all that bad, after the first few arrows I had been hitting the bullseye constantly which impressed tommy

"Nice Lizzy, you're really good at that" Cindy commented and I just smiled at her while I concentrated on my shot

"So what's the thing between you and Nick Goode?" Tommy asked which made me stop what I was doing and I looked at him as Ziggy burst out laughing

"What do you mean? There's nothing happening" I tried to play it off but he really didn't believe me and neither did Cindy by the looks of her face

"Yea nothings happening except she kissed his cheek the first day" Ziggy started while I gave her a look and she gave me the same one back

"And they were in the boat together" Cindy added while she smiled at me

"And he went straight after her when she walked me out the room after giving Gary a right shouting at" tommy finally added as I put my hands up slightly in surrender

"Alright, alright, yes all those things happened but we haven't talked about it or anything but even if we were a thing, it wouldn't be allowed because he's a Goode, I'm a shdysider" I complained, walking over to the archery stand and putting the bow back and the arrows once I took them out of the target. Cindy and Tommy looked at me sadly as they had to leave but Ziggy stayed behind with me, coming up and hugging me

"I know it's hard Lizzy but you need to just enjoy it while you can and then I can pick up fun pieces if it falls apart" she explained and I laughed lightly, looking up at my twin

"You're so weird you know" I said and she nodded looking at me

"I'm the weird girl from shadyside and your the witch from shadyside, what a pair of twins we make" she announced as we both looked around camp, her arm around my shoulder. I laughed at her as we started to walk back to the cabin. We didn't care if anyone doesn't like us, we had each other and that's all that mattered because no one could keep me and Ziggy apart even if they tried.

569 words

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