Chapter 7

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He helped me off the bed as we went to leave the cabin u too I remembered my necklace as I grabbed it, joining Nick outside as I tried it out on the necklace but it wasn't working which caused me to groan in frustration until Nick turned to me

"Give it here" he said as he made me turn around and to lift my curly hair do he could see what he was doing, once he was done I let down my hair as I turned back around to face him

"Thanks" I said as he nodded. We walked the rest of the way to science and nature in silence and started to get Nick's plan into motion where we filled up a bucket full of critters that we could find in there, we then grabbed rope, the bucket, paper, pens, candles, lighter, petals and a screw driver. I wrote the notes as Nick set everything else up. One notes as Nick set everything else up. One note from Will and the other from me, nick gave one of the kids the note from Will to give it to Sheila and then we stood in a stall and we waited. I was basically on Nick's lap as he held my waist and I held the rope. I looked down at him, smiling lightly as he did the same back but then we heard the door open

"Will, this is too cute, could've done it in your bunk but it's still kind of hot" she commented as I put my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh. I heard her open the door so I got ready and when I saw she was underneath the bucket, I joked the rope as she screamed. Me and Nick took this as our signal to leg it which was what we did while laughing loudly at her screams and once we were outside, Nick put the screwdriver in the door and we ran off, hand in hand to science and nature where we shut the door behind us

"Did you hear her?" He asked while I was still laughing

"She sounded like a frog, balhhhh" I said while mocking what she sounded like in the out house

"What did I tell you?" He said while I smiled at him, knowing deep down that he was right for suggesting it

"Fuck paint" I shouted happily while we walked towards the back of the cabin

"Fuck paint" he repeated my words as we stopped walking, turning to face him as I was even more intrigued about him then I was before

"Who are you?" I asked as this wasn't the usual Nick Goode that I saw most days

"Nick Goode" He said, not answering my actual question so I playfully rolled my eyes at him but he put his hand out for me to shake

"Nice to meet ya" he added as I put my hand in his. For some reason it felt right for us to be like this, he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my hand which made me smile even more as I just looked at him. I turned around to see another spider out of his cage which I was scared of. I moved back lightly which landed me in Nick's arms

"God I hate spiders" I muttered while Nick chuckled

"I actually quite like them" he said as a matter of fact while I still smiled at him and them properly noticed I was in his arms

"Oh sorry Nick" I said while getting out of his arms but he still gripped onto me

"No you're ok where you are" he said as he turned me around in his arms

"Can I ask you a few questions?" He asked and I nodded my head as I noticed how close we were and my breath hitched lightly as I slowly backed up out of his arms. I walked over to one of the tables and sat on it. About 10 minutes passed by with back and forth questions

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