Chapter 2

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We had been in camp for a few hours and then the bell was rung which meant it was time for dinner. I had gotten changed into a red playsuit, with my strapped top underneath *pic above* as we made it down to the mess hall. Me and Ziggy say down on one of the benches that were for the shadysiders I poked around my food as I wasn't very hungry

"Not hungry again?" Cindy asked as she came over to check on us and I shook my head. My appetite had disappeared when dad left home. It destroyed us all but it affected me in different ways, I tried to eat more so my mom didn't worry but I just could eat

"Lizzy you need to eat something, please" she begged and I just looked up at her and Ziggy, giving them both a small smile

"I'll try but I can't promise anything" I said and they nodded, Cindy going back to sit down with Tommy who gave me a smile, which I returned. I ate a slight bit more but then I couldn't physically eat anymore so I passed it to Ziggy to finish if she wanted it and wilted for her to finish. I felt the bench dip down beside me and I saw Gary. I rolled my eyes and faced more towards Ziggy so I could ignore him

"You know Goode can't always protect you, you're big enough to make your own decisions" he said and grabbed my thigh as I froze in place, looking at Ziggy who looked beyond pissed

"Leave her alone ass shat" she said, going to stand up to hit him but Kurt called her over. She looked at me and I nodded

"Just go zig it's ok" I whispered and even though just she still looked unsure, she walked off towards the counsellor table as Gary gripped my thigh tighter so I turned to him, close to loosing it

"Listen here, dickhead I don't like you in anyway shape or form, I would like a person who gives me a bruise from gripping me" I said, trying to calm down as I showed him the now fully formed bruise on my arm

"So get your creepy hand off my thigh or I swear to fuck I'll punch you in front of everyone, I don't give a fuck what happens" I warned him but he just gave me a smirk

"You won't do that, everyone knows you're way too nice" He said and then went to put a hand on my face but I grabbed it, twisting it the wrong way as he groaned in pain and then with my free hand, I slapped his head onto the table which made him let go of me and hold his nose, everyone looked over at him

"That's your only warning, next time I'll make sure your nose is broken" I warned him as I got up from the bench and walked out of the mess hall, making my way to the lake. I heard a twig snap behind me and I turned to see Nick

"Nick just go back to the mess hall you're needed there" I shouted as I continued walking to the lake but that didn't stop to nick from following me still until I sat down on the edge of the lake, Nick sitting next to me as I looked at him, my knees to my chest

"Why are you here Nick?" I asked him quietly while he turned to me, messing with the grass on the floor slightly

"I told Kurt I'd check on you and find out what actually happened cause we both know the situation with Gary" he said and I shook my head, quickly wiping away a tear that fell

"Why is it always me?" I asked which made him look at me confused as he looked around and saw people had started to come out of the mess hall and he wanted this to be a private chat. He grabbed my hand, pulling me up slightly and towards a boat that was there

"We're getting in the boat so we can talk privately" he explained once he saw my confused face and I just nodded, getting in while he held it and then he did, he rowed us out slightly while I just sat there, seeing people watch us

"Ok now explain to me why it's always you?" He asked and I looked up at him. I knew he wouldn't understand but also knew he wouldn't let me leave this boat until I told him

"It's always me, everything bad that happens always happens to me all in one go but I don't expect the perfect boy to get that" I explained and he looked up at me, grabbing my hand lightly which made me freeze slightly

"I know I couldn't understand but I'm not perfect Lizzy and I need you to understand that, you will have to get a strike due to fighting but he's gonna get it worse, especially when I'm done with him" he explained and I smiled lightly

"Thank you Nick" I said as he smiled back at me, we heard a yell and saw Gary and Kurt standing at the edge

"Leave my girl alone Goode, I swear to fuck" Gary shouted while Kurt gave him a look which he ignored as Gary glared at nick. I could tell nick was starting to get angry as I saw his grip tighten on the boat and I looked at him as I gripped his hand suddenly which caused him to look at me

"Calm down, you'll be just as bad if you feed into him" I said and he nodded slightly. We rowed back to shore and they walked over to us. Nick got out first and then went to help me but Gary stepped in

"I'll get her, she'll prefer me anyway" he said, trying to be persistent but I looked at Nick, reaching out for him instead. He smiled at me going to help me but the boat started shaking before I could reach him as Gary was shaking it. I jumped off the boat before I fell off it and Nick grabbed my waist, holding me up as we both smiled at each other

"We need to stop meeting like this" he joked and I laughed at him. Then Kurt gave out the rules of if I didn't want Gary near me then I had to go to a counsellor but for the next 2 days from then, Gary isn't allowed near me. I nodded understanding, Nick still holding onto me the whole time Kurt was talking and then I let go of nick and he slowly let go of me. He walked me back to my cabin where Ziggy was there waiting, I turned back to Nick, smiling at him

"Thanks again for earlier, you didn't really need to get involved" I said and he gave me a look which made me chuckle slightly

"I said I'd help you so that's what I'll do" he said and then was about to leave but then I got an idea but I didn't know if it was a good one or not

"Hey Nick" I called as he turned around as I jogged to him lightly, I leaned forward and kissed his cheek lightly. I pulled back and smiled lightly and then ran back to the cabin, shutting the door behind me to see Ziggy staring out the window, smiling

"He has a huge grin on his face now Lizzy " she said and I rolled my eyes playfully

"Oh shut your face Zig" I said and lied down on my bed, completely worn out from the day

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