Chapter 16

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I arrived home from the shops the next days, slamming the door, locking it and walking into the houses

"Zig I need help" I shouted as Ziggy came round the corner looking shocked

"What's the matter?" I asked as she took a could of bags off me, putting them on the kitchen counter

"You know that kid you used to help out since he was bullied heavily? Just left school?" She asked while I racked my brain to come up with Ryan Torres's

"Ryan?" I asked and she nodded

"He was the mall killer Lizzy" she said and I pushed past her to the TV where Ryan was names as the deceased killer

"Oh my go. He was a nice kid, he kept his head down and liked comic books, brought them all the time to our session" I said as I walked back into the kitchen to put things away roughly as Emilia walked into the room

"Mum are you ok?" She asks and I turned around wiping my eyes

"You want honesty?" I asked and she nodded and I decided to tell her the truth

"Everything's fucked Emilia, this whole town, I tried to make it better for the kids but all I see is is the kids I try and help, not even making it to 20 years old at this stage" I said as everything that's been building up for the past 16 years has finally popped open like a champagne bottle. I saw Emilia's face so I walked towards her as she pulled me into a hug

"I'm sorry darling, it's just buried everything down for 16 years because I just wanted to help everyone but here I am, broken because I didn't help myself" I explained as she pulled away lightly

"This is why you need to think about yourself and getting with the sheriff, I know he's not my real dad but he makes you happy" she said while I looked at her

"I'm not your mom sweetheart" I said but she shook her head

"You are to me" she said which made me smile, I patted her back and she went back and she went back to her room as I finished unloading the groceries

*later that night*
Emilia had not long gone to bed while me and Ziggy were sat on the couch watching some random TV until the phone went off. We both don't answer the phone at night anymore unless we were expecting one because we're careful but then the answer phone

"Hello C and E Berman, it's Deena Johnson. I think you saw the witch. We need to know how you survived" Deena said over the answer phone. I went to answer the phone because I knew who Deena was because I'd met her through Sam once. Ziggy held me down so I couldn't answer it

"Ziggy" I shouted but she shook her head at me

"Hey were being attacked, Alright? There are killers here!" Another voice called over and he sounded Emilia's age which made me more worried

"If you're there, please pick up! Please answer" Deena shouted but then it cut off as the answer machine stopped and I shoved Ziggy off me

"Are you taking the piss Zig? What the hell are you playing at?" I screamed at her, furious at how she let that ring out

"We said when Emilia was born that we wouldn't get involved again" Ziggy argues while I threw my hands up in the air

"Then what's the point of my job then Ziggy. I help kids that have been through something like we have. How am I meant to stand aside when the exact same thing happens to someone else? That's not me Zig" I shouted as we thin stood on other ends of the room. We both heard a door open and we both turned to see Emilia standing by her door

"What's wrong?" She asked but we both pointed towards her room

"Bed. Emilia. Now" we both said sternly and she listened, shutting the door behind her. I walked towards my twin sister

"I love you Zig, god if I didn't I wouldn't be here right now but I swear to god if those poor kids die, I won't ever forget it" I warned her and she nicked slightly, knowing not to her in my way when I got angry. I was about to walk off but I heard something come through the letter box so I slowly walked towards it, picking it up. The piece of paper had 'it's happening again' written on it in Nick's handwriting. I then looked through the peep hole to see that he was driving away. I passed Ziggy the note when I walked into her room

"Looks like someone finally believed us" she said as I nodded, going to walk out the room but Ziggy grabbed my arm before I could and pulled me into a hug that I slowly returned

"I know I'm a bitch but I'm only trying to protect my baby sister" she explained and I nodded in her shoulder

"I know it's just- I wanted to help them and want them to survive" I said getting upset and she shushed me, trying to calm me down, rocking us back and forth like we used to when we were kids

"What if they die Zig? That's more blood on my hands" I said while my head was still buried in her shoulder

"No it's not more blood on your hands. None of this is your fault" she said and even though I nodded, I didn't believe it, I felt as if it were all my fault. Everything that happened

"What did we do that was so bad t deserve this Zig" I sobbed as she sat us down on the bed

"Lizzy we didn't do anything, it's the fact we live in shadyside and it's the curse" she said and then bent down in front of me

"You've spent your whole life trying to correct shadyside but now you need to start living for you" she said but I gave her a look

"I have a daughter Zig, my days of party and finding love are over" I said while we both laugh

"Not with Nick Goode it's not" she said, raising her eyebrows and I shoved her lightly

"Oh shove off its nothing" I argues even though I knew it was far from that

"Fuck off, you pair kissed and he's loved you for the past 16 years" she said as she smiled. We both lay down opposite ends of the bed, her feet were where my head is and visa versus

"Good night sis" Ziggy called out and I smiled as I felt like we were kids again

"Night Zig" I said as we shut of the light

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